Latest fromPaul Little at large

Paul Little: Will Bill English finally get that tattoo?
COMMENT: Why do so many politicians take so long to get the message they are a failure?

Paul Little: New faces fascinate the nation
COMMENT: Seven Sharp – and The Project – are best thought of as light entertainment shows.

Paul Little: 'Cheesy' disco ball a bit of fun
COMMENT: Critics of Rocket Lab's Humanity Star need to lighten up.

Paul Little: Why does Motat beat gallery?
COMMENT: Is this the beginning of the art-pocalypse?

Paul Little: Kids not lost for words
COMMENT: Is purging dictionary of words censorship, or reflecting onward march of life?

Paul Little: 2018 - The Year in Preview
Paul Little takes an imagined look back at the year ahead . . .

Paul Little: Clearing clutter isn't as simple as it sounds
COMMENT: Clearing clutter sounded like a perfect post-Christmas plan. It wasn't.

Paul Little: Let's hope young leaders can rule well
COMMENT: Do all these young new world leaders know how to do the job?

Why do we make so many excuses?
COMMENT: We are in the midst of an epidemic of chronic excuse syndrome.

Paul Little: Even Jesus told a great dad joke
COMMENT: Dad jokes are part of the glue that holds a family together.

Paul Little: Different shooter, same old story
COMMENT: Solution can be summed up in two words that inspire fear in US: gun control.

Can you name the Governor-General?
OPINION: The Governor-General will sign off the new Government - but who is it?

Paul Little: Tui Flower and baking powder
COMMENT: You may not have noticed that Tui Flower died a couple of weeks ago.

Little: Where do MPs get their ideas from?
COMMENT: Another busy week in politics. Everyone has really lifted their game.

Paul Little: The Mother of all trademarks
COMMENT: A lawyer is trying to trademark Mother Teresa's sari.

Paul Little: Marijuana law reform overdue
COMMENT: Wide marijuana law reform is urgently needed for many reasons.

Labour not following principles
COMMENT: Should Labour be using unpaid foreign workers when there is no shortage of Kiwis?

Paul Little: The dark arts still with us
COMMENT: Todd Barclay's fall from grace leaves questions unanswered.

Focus on kids, not their clothes
COMMENT: Why not get rid of school uniforms all together, asks Paul Little.

Paul Little: Enough tips from Bennett
COMMENT: Tipping debate a distraction from serious issues such as P abuse.

Paul Little: Let DoC do conservation work
COMMENT: The Government has show conservation only has value when it makes a buck.

It's hard yards being a politician
COMMENT: Register of pecuniary interests of MPs makes fascinating reading.

Paul Little: Gender quota systems work
COMMENT: We need the example set by women in politics to young women outside politics.

Paul Little: Expo a big waste of money
What is the point of Expo 2020 in Dubai, and why are we going?

Paul Little: Here's to 60, and many more
COMMENT: Turning 60 is the new black, writes Paul Little.