Latest fromPapakura

Police still seek man who desecrated graves
The man responsible for the desecration of about 30 infant graves at Auckland's Papakura Cemetery remains uncaught.

Child grave witness yet to come forward
A police spokeswoman today said police had spoken with a couple of other potential witnesses, but not the person in the video footage.

Grave trashing: Public comes forward
After the desecration of children’s graves at a cemetery, several members of the public have approached police to help with the investigation.

Police close in on graves vandal
A mother whose baby's grave was destroyed in an act of vandalism has welcomed news that police are narrowing in on the offender.

Community to help restore vandalised child graves
A South Auckland community is rallying around the families of children whose graves were vandalised, with donations and offers of help pouring in.

Did this man witness grave vandalising?
A picture is emerging of the man who destroyed dozens of children's graves at an Auckland cemetery, police say.

Vandal caught on camera
The man who desecrated dozens of children’s graves at a South Auckland cemetery was caught on CCTV footage, police say.

Housing NZ sells off 'social' land
A big state-owned site in Auckland once earmarked for social and affordable housing is being carved up for sale.

Softball bat used in bar robbery
Counties Manukau police are hunting this man after a robbery at a Papakura bar last night.

Teen fleeing police climbs station fence
A South Auckland teenager fleeing from police choose the wrong fence to vault in a bid to escape, and leaped right into the grounds of the local police station.

Kiwi's death not an accident
The Queensland Court of Appeal has dismissed suggestions the death of NZ man Brent Dumper at his daughter's house-warming party on the Gold Coast was an accident.

'Bummer' as pair miss $10k
Papakura couple Junior and Kim Sipeli have missed out on a $10,000 gift from the Government because they bought their first house two months too soon.

Dairy raided for the ninth time in a year
Nisha Rani told her attacker to take whatever he wanted, "just don't harm me". He even took cash from a shrine.

Arrests after abduction and death
A man and a woman allegedly stole a car, abducted a man who accidentally ran over their female companion in the middle of the night and then dumped her body.

Man found guilty of Kiwi's murder
A man has been found guilty of the murder of New Zealander Brent Dumper at his daughter's house-warming party on the Gold Coast.

Partying Kiwi shot in back, court told
A house-warming party fuelled by alcohol and drugs led to a New Zealand man being shot in the back and killed, a Brisbane court has heard.

Woman runs back into burning home
Flames reached as high as nine metres today as a South Auckland home was engulfed in a blaze.

Your workmate may be secret millionaire
Lotto survey reveals most of us would keep working and not make public the news of overnight windfall.

NZ kids suffering in cold homes
Every winter, Taleni Lafo has to take her two young children to hospital because they become sick from the cold.