Latest fromPak' N Save

‘Obsessed’ and ‘weird’ - Ghahraman critical of police pursuit of Pak’nSave incident
Golriz Ghahraman says police never laid charges over threats while she was in Parliament.

‘I’m relieved’: Golriz Ghahraman speaks as she avoids charges over Pak’nSave ‘shoplifting’
The police decision on charging Golriz Ghahraman is out – and she's speaking.

Letters: Businesspeople better than career politicians
OPINION: 'We are becoming a nation much like the US – full of diatribe and hatred.'

'Hit pause to use toilet': Woolworths confirms workers given time limits via headsets
Supermarket says product picking staff can pause headset timer to use bathroom.

Supermarkets face criminal charges over alleged inaccurate pricing, specials
The charges should be a wake-up call about pricing accuracy, the watchdog says.

'Excessive': Supermarket parking policy changes spark outrage
Whangārei's Pak'nSave supermarket comes under fire for enforcing its parking rules.

Foodstuffs to appeal ComCom merger decision
The merger was denied last month by the Commerce Commission.

Whittaker's chocolate to cost Kiwi shoppers more as company raises prices
'We are increasing prices by as little as we can.'

Far North woman warns others after bag plucked from supermarket trolley
Pensioner too scared to do anything when her bag was taken outside Pak'nSave Kaitāia.

Foodstuffs merger proposal rejected
Supermarket merger would not help shoppers, Commerce Commission says.

Letters: Don't we want cheaper groceries?
OPINION: 'More expensive bureaucrats to roll back existing bureaucrats.'

Editorial: NZ needs a third major supermarket player
OPINION: Tinkering around the edges has not been enough to make a difference.

Crunching the numbers: How does a grocery shop compare to 2022?
What happens when the price at the checkout keeps rising but your budget does not?

Opinion: The curious case of competition law and Foodstuffs
Opinion: Imagine if every major company was neatly divided between our major islands.

Cooked chook turns fowl: Hawke’s Bay family get more than they bargain for
Ooze began seeping through the unremoved innards inside.

Lotto kiosk not included in Hastings Pak’nSave upgrade
No more Lotto at Hastings Pak’nSave as supermarket renovations don't include the kiosk.

Tahini recalled from supermarkets due to fear of salmonella contamination
The product was sold in the South Island.

Lost Pak’nSave receipt from 1994 reveals how much Kiwis' groceries have inflated
Remember when a 1kg block of cheese cost less than $6?

Watch: Baby-carrying mum’s shoplifting attempt foiled; Pak'nSave staff praised
The confronting video shows a 'sad reality' that is becoming more common, Foodstuffs says.

Stomach-churning discovery: Foodstuffs recalls garlic bread after rat foot claims
The customer described plucking it from the mouth of her 10-month-old son.

Foodstuffs to fund new intersection at site of future Pak’nSave Te Rapa
Hamilton City Council gave the project the green light this week.