Latest fromPacific Islands

Hawaii: It's a beautiful ray
The west coast of Hawaii's Big Island is home to magnificent marlin, titanic tuna and merry mantas, writes Paul Davies.

Hawaii: Conquering the cliffs of Moloka'i
A terrifying mule ride delivers Judy Bailey safely into Kalaupapa, a park with a dark past, now a place of saintly seclusion.

Niue: Flock to the Rock
Polynesia's last unspoiled outpost is gearing up for a tourism influx, writes Paul Rush.

McCully leads Cooks visit
Foreign Minister Murray McCully has taken Shane Jones, David Shearer and Winston Peters with him for his trip to the Cook Islands, where he is holding talks.

Hawaii: Tee time in paradise
James Henderson packs his clubs and hopes to beat his handicap on some of Hawaii's world-class golf courses.

NFL player: 'I don't date Poly girls'
"Just the thought of people dating the same culture, Polynesians dating other Polynesians. You never see it nowadays. It's always been kind of like ... a taboo."

Where cultures collide
Liz Light checks out the delights of Noumea and finds plenty to catch the eye in the lush capital of French territory New Caledonia.

Fiji: In the jet set
To the people of Beqa Island sharks are friends. Nicholas Jones tested that trust.

Room check: The Modern Honolulu, Hawaii
Paul Davies stays at a full-service lifestyle hotel close to Waikiki Beach.

Fiji: The best of palm and reef
Go local when it comes to food, Nicholas Jones discovers at a cooking school in Fiji.

Fiji: Precious string of secrets
Paul Rush discovers the enigmatic beauty and brilliance of black pearls in the waters of Fiji.pacific

Tonga: In gentle giants' domain
Whale watching in Tonga goes extreme when Jane Jeffries hops in with the cetaceans.

Niue: Ballet in the blue
Paul Rush meets creatures both noble and dangerous in waters of astonishing clarity.

Fijians back in ballot for residency
Fijian nationals will be eligible to register for a residency ballot under the Pacific Access Category for the first time since the military coup in 2006.

Cook Islands: Recharged in Rarotonga
Laura Hutchins cherishes the easy-going pace of Cook Island life because she knows when she's home it'll be what she misses the most.

NZ boosts Vanuatu aid contribution to $3.5m
Further New Zealand aid has arrived in Vanuatu to help in the aftermath of Cyclone Pam.

Fiji: Into the deep
All his courage gathered, Nicholas Jones ventures underwater for an eye-opening scuba dive.

Vanuatu: Return to harsh reality
A week on from Cyclone Pam some sense of normality has returned - at least in the capital, Port Vila.

Storm over Polyfest's charity view
A Red Cross leader labelled Polyfest 'cold and mean-spirited' after it initially refused to let the charity collect at the event for Pacific victims of Cyclone Pam.

Cyclone Pam: Frustrating wait for aid
It was a tale of two villages. In one, rice, food and water provided by aid agencies, in another, nothing at all.

Vanuatu: Stinging attack on aid agencies
The deputy chairman of Vanuatu's natural disaster committee has launched a stinging attack on NGOs in the cyclone-struck nation.

Pacific tuna hammered by over-fishing
There are fears tuna are teetering on the edge of survival as an excess of boats fight over a decreasing number of fish.

Vanuatu: 'We thought we would die'
New Zealand aid worker Andrew Finlay takes Kirsty Johnston around the island of Tanna, where the destruction is wholesale.

Illnesses spreading fast on island
The threat of disease from dirty water has affected "absolutely everybody" in Vanuatu in the wake of Cyclone Pam.