Fatal flight: Boy screamed he felt like he was going to die
A boy who died on a Samoa Airways flight suffered an asthma attack mid-flight.
A boy who died on a Samoa Airways flight suffered an asthma attack mid-flight.
Where New Zealand has expanded its diplomatic footprint and why.
Harrowing scenes as staff worked in vain to help the 'panicking' boy.
Episami "Leka'' Pasiaka, 16, was swept away while swimming at Whatipu Beach.
Larger plane helps clear a backlog of delayed passengers heading to Samoa
A Dreamliner will be used to help stranded travellers.
Here's a look at striking news images captured by satellite imagery company Digital Globe.
Rusting sea crane considered too costly to fix despite heritage value.
Hans Dalton's responsible clinician will give evidence behind a shroud of anonymity.
Visit an opportunity to engage with US policymakers on a number of issues, says Peters.
An inmate was initially charged and convicted with the mentally ill Kiwi man's murder.
Rare and extraordinary National Geographic photos coming to South Taranaki.
Jeremiah Malaki Tauili'ili died in hospital after an alleged group beating.
Celebrity chef Michael Meredith holds cooking demo in diabetes-ravaged Vanuatu
Watch our livestream debate about the causes of diabetes in the Pacific and how to help.
Jeremiah Malaki Tauiliili died days after an alleged attack at a bar in Apia, Samoa.
Diabetics from Tanna Island in Vanuatu fear going blind.
Superstition: Vanuatu eye doctors must overcome traditional ways to help diabetics.
A stunning resort beside an ecological course is a hit with golfer Phil Tataurangi.
$2.1 million eye clinic funded by Fred Hollows Foundation to open in Vanuatu.
A dramatic increase in diabetes in the Pacific is causing amputations and blindness.
Pacific Island nations worst affected by diabetes and related blindness.
High school student has challenged the notion that Māori and Pasifika students are 'dumb'.
Choosing swimming lanes does not fit with NZ's independent foreign policy, says PM Ardern.
Miller Patane was the unexpected recipient of a newlywed couple's kindness.
If we think we are a player here, we are dreaming.
Jarred Thompson, who was medically evacuated from Fiji last week, has died.
A trade spat between the US and China led to a failure for Apec to reach a consensus.