Latest fromOur Green Future

Simon Wilson: Yes that’s the mayor swimming in Auckland’s brand new pool
OPINION: Love this City, this week with rates, roads, bus-stops and swimming pools.

Simon Wilson: Hooray for the Public Servant of the Year (and honourable mentions)
OPINION: Hail and farewell to a forthright and compelling advocate for good leadership.

NZ study: How peoples’ emotional cues shape views of genetically modified food
Researchers delved into Kiwis' perception barriers around eating GM and irradiated food.

The best tips and trails for e-biking in New Zealand
Here's how to make that e-bike trip a smooth one.

2024 'certain' to be hottest year on record: EU climate monitor
Countries rich and poor were hammered by disasters this year.

Simon Wilson: Homeless teens, a missing bridge, and the great Aucklander we've lost
OPINION: Love this City, a weekly column about Auckland.

Explained: Everything you need to know about arsenic and drinking water
Drinking water testing has turned up slightly higher arsenic levels. Here's what to know.

'Taste, texture, price': Why Kiwis have stopped buying fake meat
Will meatless meat ever appeal to the average Kiwi consumer? Researchers explain.

Heatwave behind NZ’s hottest summer could become ‘almost annual’ by 2040s
Regional NZ heatwaves once considered one-in-300-year events now concerningly more common.

Premiums under pressure: Is this the biggest question climate change poses for insurance?
Climate impacts are beginning to put pressure on many Kiwis' insurance. What should NZ do?

'Must-try-harder': New report card reveals gaps in NZ's climate change policy
Findings released days ahead of UN climate summit.

Simon Wilson: Why don't we get to vote? How the US election result will affect us all
OPINION: Four ways for President Kamala Harris to make a difference to climate change.

The large previously hidden chunk of NZ’s population at risk from coastal flooding
First-of-its-kind study reveals large but hidden chunk of population facing flood risk.

Simon Wilson: Why did John Key endorse Donald Trump?
OPINION: Sixty billionaires are supporting Donald Trump. So is Sir John Key.

Why this new rat-busting toxin could be one of conservation’s biggest wins in ‘decades’
NZ scientists have developed a toxin that wipes out rats without harming other species.

Reversing biodiversity crisis could save $270b over next 50 years - analysis
A first-of-its-kind analysis finds protecting our species could save NZ tens of billions.

Simon Wilson: The shockers for Govt hiding in the Mood of the Boardroom
OPINION: To politicians and business leaders growth is seductive but so are other things.

Simon Wilson: Auckland election - here's $350, will you vote for us?
OPINION: It may be legal to pay voters but that doesn't make it right, says Simon Wilson.

Rising heat putting NZ kids at risk of life-long health problems
Temperatures rising under climate change are posing an increasing risk for kids under 5.

New projections: How is the climate likely to change where you live?
New projections out to 2090 indicate NZ could grow warmer and drier than earlier forecast.

Simon Wilson: Wait, what, Watts? The Climate Minister talks to business
Opinion: “Harder and faster,” says Climate Minister Simon Watts, but what does he mean?