Foot-brawl: Red-carded player decks goalkeeper, game called off
Pre-season friendly with visiting side from Invercargill descends into a free-for-all.
Pre-season friendly with visiting side from Invercargill descends into a free-for-all.
A Dunedin Hospital incident has highlighted the pressures medical staff are under.
Mosque closed and Friday prayer cancelled as precaution.
1500 people received a vaccine that may not have provided any protection against Covid.
Alice Raffills has pleaded guilty to disfiguring with intent to injure.
Aurora 7459 went down about one nautical mile off the coast.
Central Otago and Queenstown are continuing to grow despite closed borders.
The man was later transported to hospital in a critical condition.
Motorcyclist sideswiped by ute ends up in hospital for surgery.
She says the pole was installed just metres from her balcony.
The charge carries a maximum penalty of three years' imprisonment.
He wants to work in Dunedin where there is currently only one neurosurgeon.
The issue was due to the temperature the vaccinations were being stored at.
Southern District Health Board is contacting 1571 people who may have been affected.
Defendant has a history of sex attacks.
Facebook post offers four positive test results to be used to get time off work.
A distraught Queenstown dog owner's offering $5000 for the safe return of two pooches.
"They're continuing to spread [Covid], endangering themselves and others in the city."
Accused's application was turned down in the District Court so he went to the High Court.
Police dispersed the crowd, who then moved around the corner to another location.
The couple wanted a New Zealand house that was inspired by Japanese design.
The owner claimed both choppers became ''nonairworthy'' last year.
The sorry saga could have had an even worse ending, reports Kurt Bayer.
A tall man with a slight build was seen leaving the area in a white vehicle.
Orange graffiti, including the word 'freedom', was spraypainted on the windows and door.
After an initial blunder, Immigration NZ stepped in to help.
Allan Paterson saved the event from being cancelled by hosting it on his farm.
When spoken to, the driver was too intoxicated to give a clear explanation of events.