How long does it take to change a hospital light bulb?
Dunedin Hospital's $5.5m asbestos issue meant operating theatre light took 10 days to fix.
Dunedin Hospital's $5.5m asbestos issue meant operating theatre light took 10 days to fix.
Man jailed for two years was under no supervision when setting fire to Dunedin bar.
A 30 year plan suggests passenger movements may be capped at 5 million a year.
Satellite images have indicated the rocky slope below Murchison Hut is unstable
Major employers The Warehouse, Foodstuffs and Mitre 10 latest to announce redundancies.
Elderly man ruled insane after fatally injuring housekeeper then himself.
A Kiwi study could have implications for developing new therapies for brain disorders.
Two Dunedin car thieves were caught red-handed after being spotted making their getaway.
Elderly man ruled insane after fatally injuring housekeeper then himself
Settled weather is on the way for tomorrow's night transtasman rugby clash.
Lorraine Harvey says she already endures drunken sightseers at the site of the murders.
Woman has told of abusive relationship that ended with her covered in chocolate spit.
European student referrals to NZ universities have jumped 136 per cent after Brexit.
In pain, bleeding, he dragged himself out of car and carried woman away from burning car.
Girl 'very lucky' she did not suffer worse injuries as she sitting where bus was crushed.
Fire at Wakari Hospital which led to 4 people taken to hospital is treated as suspicious.
After his partner was murdered he faced charges over benefit payments.
A slightly sparser crowd than usual turned out for the Cadbury Jaffa Race today.
Police say the Auckland pastor who wants gay people to be shot is not breaking any law.
Widespread snowfalls have raised avalanche warnings to the highest level in seven areas.
Four people taken to hospital after three cars crash in Dunedin.
Champion skier Tom Garatadour did not return as scheduled from backcountry ski trip.
A couple are lucky to have escaped injury after a power pole fell on to their property.
Dunedin resident John Sheppard was among many worrying about the contamination.
Anything touched by tap water was either turned off or thrown out yesterday.
Andre Trotter had his whole life ahead of him. Not wearing a seatbelt cut that very short
Withdraw of some students from NCEA put James Cook High School under statutory management.
1721 residential properties and 826 commercial properties are affected.
The family had been amazed and humbled by the support shown to them since the tragedy.
A tribute to the All Black great is taking shape in the sky above Dunedin.