Search for 'frail' missing man continues
Police are concerned the 63-year-old may have fallen after leaving the hospital.
Police are concerned the 63-year-old may have fallen after leaving the hospital.
16-year-old girl has lucky escape after car shunted into barrier next to a steep bank.
Person who places road cones in strange positions atop Dunedin buildings has struck again.
Police want Dunedin hillside residents to check their properties for a missing man.
The 57-year-old Rangiora man was sentenced to intensive supervision.
Dunedin man grabbed victim by throat, flung her onto couch while their kids were home.
"I just thought I was having fun. I didn't realise it was a criminal offence."
Dunedin murderer George Charles Trounson will be released on parole for the seventh time.
Researcher says new evidence discredits police informer
A witness saw about 12 police, four police cars and a van near the address.
NZ has attracted international praise for passing the strict criteria.
The man was left knocked unconscious and with a broken leg after the attack.
Judge Crosbie informed them the defendant had previous similar convictions.
A trapped driver was extracted from a vehicle after a collision on State Highway 1.
A burst water main has sent thousands of litres of water flooding down a main street.
A man who did a 'dumb thing' by robbing his place of work has been shown some leniency.
A group of Dunedin men witnessed the horror and panic following the Las Vegas massacre.
Researchers seek causes of decline in teens' risky behaviours
Hundreds of students gathered in the backyard of the flat near and cheered on the antics.
A woman has described to a jury her childhood ordeal of watching her friend being raped.
Fears that spontaneous mountainside collapse would kill hut occupants
Otago man allegedly lured 4 young girls into his bed and sexually abused them in sequence.
Man driving SUV "very lucky" to escape uninjured after smashing into side of a house.
There are no suspicious circumstances surrounding the house fire in Brockville.
the request for the 48-hour temporary liquor ban had come from the police.
Woman rescued from Ben Lomond after her husband tracked her location with his smartphone.
One incident involved the man asking a 17-year-old girl if she wanted a ride.
Stephen Lowe's wife calls for help with a private search after her husband goes missing.
Could we breed better bees? That's the goal of a new $6.3m genetic study.
Stephen Lowe popped out of work one Friday morning for two minutes, but never returned.