Latest fromOpec

Market close: NZ shares run out of puff; price of oil falls
Investors hung back on a light day of trading.

Why are oil prices so high and will they stay that way?
New York Times: Oil companies that a year ago were dinosaurs, are now raking in profits.

Liam Dann: Oil price plunges, markets drop as Delta fears grow
After last week's rate hikes markets deliver a reminder that there's no sure bets.

Liam Dann: On a knife-edge - How an oil shock could shake the world
Turmoil in oil markets a reminder there are no certainties on path to economic recovery.

Liam Dann: Coronavirus crash exposes ugly politics of oil
Saudi Arabian politics may have collided with coronavirus shock to form a perfect storm.

Oil prices slump as coronavirus outbreak hits demand
Oil prices are falling as economic activity slows on coronavirus outbreak fears.

The company twice as profitable as Apple that you've probably never heard of
A rare glimpse inside the finances of this company reveals just how profitable it is.

The commodities to watch in 2019
Everything from oil and copper to coffee and sugar suffered deep losses in 2018.

Don't fill up yet: Petrol prices to drop on road to Xmas
An international stalemate has some positive repercussions for Kiwi wallets.

Why petrol prices got slammed into reverse
We spend all year worrying about soaring petrol prices - why have they suddenly plunged?

Opec agrees to continue restricting supply
Opec agrees to keep supplies tight and bolster prices.

China's big win in Abu Dhabi
Chinese companies are big winners in the competition among foreign bidders for stakes in Abu Dhabi's largest oil concession.

Petrol prices creeping back up again
Motorists face higher costs as petrol edges up in response to higher global oil prices although prices could fall quickly due to weak demand.

What the oil price rise means long term
Oil broke through US$50 ($75) a barrel last week for the first time since October.

Iran deal exacerbates Norway's oil risks
Iran, once OPEC's second-biggest producer, will boost its oil exports by 500,000 barrels a day immediately after sanctions are lifted

OPEC braces for more oil
Never mind cutting output to staunch a global glut - the talk so far is mostly about pumping more oil.

Supply glut undermines oil price rebound
A recovery in oil prices which began in February is not justified by fundamentals as there remains a supply glut in the market, oil cartel Opec says in its monthly report.

Swift oil price recovery doubted
A growing consensus is emerging from the likes of BP, the International Energy Agency, shale wildcatters and even the Saudis.

NZOG takes hit on falling oil price
New Zealand Oil & Gas, the exploration company, turned in a loss in its first half after the global drop in oil prices.

Brian Fallow: It's just crude guesswork
Enjoy low oil prices while they last, though how long that will be is anyone's guess, writes Brian Fallow.