Latest fromOnline Publishing

Govt considered Google tax to help struggling media companies
Legislation for a model, similar to one operating in Australia, heads to Parliament soon.

Crown signs over quarter share of 5G spectrum to Māori
The Crown has handed over the 5G frequencies allocation set aside for Māori.

Spark Sport closure: TVNZ updates on transition, with one hiccup
The telco's online sports service is free for its final month of existence.

Juha Saarinen: Amazon’s Auckland zone cloud computing goes live
The first part of AWS' billion-dollar investment in NZ quietly went live last week.

Hands-on review: Five things you need to know about Sky TV's Sky Pod
Can you watch TVNZ channels? Is it buggy?

Starlink speed: NZ watchdog's verdict amid handicapped rankings
Good news for the 'predatory' service.

Twitter to charge firms US$1000/month to keep verification ticks
PLUS: Individuals will lose 'legacy' blue ticks from April 1 unless they pay $19/month.

Twitter's source code leaked online
The social media giant filed legal documents to get the code taken down.

Twitter disabling security precaution stopping hackers hijack your account
Twitter makes the controversial move to drop log-on authentication via text message.

TVNZ boss Kevin Kenrick on financial results, RNZ merger and his one regret
This marks the final financial result CEO Kevin Kenrick will be overseeing.

Public interest journalism fund 'beauty contest'
Independent report says $55m fund risks protecting incumbents from new entrants.

Damien Venuto: Three media storylines to follow in 2022
We stand on the precipice of some major shifts in the media landscape.

'Phenomenal': Newstalk ZB, NZ Herald audiences at record levels
Platforms across the NZME stable are reaching more people than ever before.

Herald digital subscriptions surge to new high
NZME has outlined bold digital ambitions for the coming years.

'Disney version' of OnlyFans: Kiwi's lockdown frustration leads to business
A Kiwi entrepreneur has built a video streaming platform from the ground up.

NZ Herald readership growth hits new records
The Herald's daily readership has surged by 300,000 readers from last year.

Racist abuse leaves 'sour taste' for staff in Waitaki promo video
Online abuse has left Waitaki employees 'frightened to be out in public'.

Why businesses shouldn't engage with customer complaints on Twitter
Harvard Business Review: Responding publicly comes with some major drawbacks.

Will Trade Me's offer for lessen competition?
The Commerce Commission wants further feedback about the proposed deal.

After a year of digital learning, let's hear it for real books
THE CONVERSATION: Children still read books, but many have moved to the digital kind.

Damien Venuto: Kiwi adman hits back at clients playing 'agency Tinder'
Playing the field isn't a great way to find the right agency, says an Auckland adman.