One person dead after water-related incident at Auckland’s Narrow Neck Beach
The victim was brought out of the water but could not be revived.
The victim was brought out of the water but could not be revived.
Erosion could wash away trees protecting Waitaki Boys’ High School's grounds in a decade.
Mia Halstead said her year group wanted to go out on a high.
“My wife wasn’t overjoyed," Nick Edwards said of his commitment to the gruelling feat.
Pacific contingent presents whale initiative at climate change forum.
Drowning Prevention Auckland gets a Christmas grant from Auckland Airport.
The shark is a close relative of great white and mako sharks.
Perhaps swimmers and beachgoers should be a bit careful this summer.
Te Whānau Moana and Te Rorohuri lift rahui to cull rampant sea urchin.
Professor Gary Wilson has supervised more than 35 masters and doctoral students.
Why the world should be worried about the impact on the Southern Ocean
'The consequences are too serious to run the risk.'
New York Times: Marine biologists still don't understand the unusual behaviour.
"Cans for Kai is more than just a fundraiser - it promotes the value of recycling."
Peak wave height for Haumoana is predicted to reach the one-year warning criteria (1.9m).
Simon Smith was known for his eccentric habits, says a former pupil.
Unit of the Year: Coastguard HB was called out more than 40 times in the year.
Scientists dismayed to find microplastics building up deep in pristine NZ marine reserve.
Warming water has pushed Southern Ocean sea ice into a new diminished state, study finds.
Officials will use suction dredging against the high-risk seaweed in new Aotea trials.
New York Times: Paul-Henri Nargeolet was a famed submariner. So why was he on the Titan?
Warrick Harris 'should have known better' when he trawled in the prohibited zone 19 times.
Several marae face the difficult prospect of having to move.
The club is $2 million short of the $7.5m needed to rebuild the clubrooms.
Fukushima nuclear plant has begun releasing its first batch of treated radioactive water.
The stranding of 6 common dolphins at Ruakākā Beach is the first in Bream Bay since 2001.
The four remaining migrants survived using inner tubes.
Kina from barren areas are taken to controlled aquaculture equipment at Niwa.
OPINION: Letters on climate change, netball, harbour crossings, and milk prices.