No dark side to the moon
Technically, Pink Floyd had it wrong. The space-facing side of the moon isn't dark. Not that you'd know that, given we always see the same side of our nearest neighbour.
Technically, Pink Floyd had it wrong. The space-facing side of the moon isn't dark. Not that you'd know that, given we always see the same side of our nearest neighbour.
It's reaching the business end of the State Ocean Swim Series.
The carbon fibre Solar Impulse plane has the wingspan of a 747 but only weighs as much a Honda Prius.
Could it be that the humble sea urchin has come to the rescue? Sam Judd finds that the latest technological breakthrough for waging war on carbon emissions has the spiny sea creatures to thank.
Up to 900 dolphins have been killed by villagers in the Solomon Islands, who claim it was an act of retaliation for not being paid money they were promised.
A bid that would have safe-guarded the Ross Sea's pristine eco-system with the world's largest marine protected area has failed.
A Facebook campaign about plastic lollipop sticks has forced Chupa Chups to start a project that will change the product to a more sustainable material.
A two-and-a-half year expedition by the ship on which Sir Peter Blake was murdered continues his work under the oceans.
Sam Judd looks at the effect of plastic and toxins on marine life - particularly killer whales.
NIWA's research vessel Tangaroa recently returned from a 3-week voyage to the bottom of the ocean. Here's a look at the strange and stunning creatures they found.