Seal pups frolic in pool ahead of quake anniversary
Seal pups frolic in nursery pool ahead of the 1st anniversary of the Kaikoura earthquake. Credit: NCTIR
Seal pups frolic in nursery pool ahead of the 1st anniversary of the Kaikoura earthquake. Credit: NCTIR
Ocean drones will probe the wild Cook Strait in new study dubbed "Project Cookie Monster".
Grim new figures show Paris climate goals will be hard to meet fast, NZ scientists say.
Researchers from Cornell University and Oregan State University fear that seismic airguns in oil and gas drilling areas are negatively impacting whales, with repetitive sounds travelling thousands of kilometres and repeating for months on end. / Audio from Cornell University.
New recordings lay bare the underwater racket created by oil and gas industry's airguns.
Mass coral bleaching may not be a death sentence for all of the reef systems it touches.
An incredible 150-million-year-old 'sea monster' has been unearthed in India.
It's been called a slow-moving crisis. How will NZ deal with rising seas that threaten it?
Researchers building a business case for a bond used to fund permanent native forestry.
Scientists liken bizarre whale discovery to uncovering 'a fossil kangaroo in Scotland'.
Climate change is already transforming our oceans - but there's much more we need to know.
What do political parties propose to do about combating climate change?
NZ ketch rescues family on board stricken catamaran on remote reef in South Pacific Ocean.
Fresh bid to reduce plastic in the ocean. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Ocean and river cruising is one of the fastest growing travel sectors for Kiwis.
Damaging, extreme El Nino events will likely become twice as common under climate change.
The search for MH370 has produced incredibly detailed maps of vast expanses of deep ocean.
Kiwi scientists have helped build the most comprehensive global climate database yet.
NZ scientists are preparing to probe the France-sized Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica.
The Greens want a higher refugee quota - and for rich foreign investors to pay for it.
New Zealand has joined a sprawling effort to map the ocean floor of the entire world.
Scientists have concluded that the Great Barrier Reef can no longer be saved.
Do we need a Hippocratic Oath to better protect our oceans? Two experts explain.
A monster wave has just been recorded near Campbell Island.
Some coastal communities may have to be pulled back in the face of sea level rise.
An event that happened 183 million years ago could be on the brink of happening again.
Pesky pine pollen from New Zealand forests could be altering far-away ocean ecosystems.
A Kiwi company will use a high-tech buoy to record some of the largest waves ever seen.
People under the influence of psychedelic drugs attain a "higher" state of consciousness.
Kiwi ultra-distance swimmer Kim Chambers is diving into US-Mexico border relations.