Latest fromNZ Treasury
Politics 2009: Key, Goff and the recession
A new PM defied the odds as the Govt struggled to deal with the worst recession in decades, and Labour played catch up politics.
Gloom lifts but slump will take toll
The economy's prospects look a lot brighter in the Treasury's latest forecasts than they did when it was preparing the Budget in April.
PM: Economy's revival means safer jobs
Prime Minister John Key says there is "light at the end of the tunnel", after half-yearly accounts painted a better picture than the Budget.
Economy still in fragile shape - Treasury
Many risks still threaten the sustainability of economic growth, Treasury said today.
ACC, Super Fund prop up Govt books as tax take dwindles
The investment portfolios of ACC and the New Zealand Superannuation Fund continued to prop up the government's books as corporate and personal tax revenues dwindled, says Treasury.
<i>Fran O'Sullivan</i>: Key's faux pas looking like Freudian slip
No one is underestimating the political difficulties in making substantial change, writes Fran O'Sullivan.
Tax reform needed to jump-start economy
Tax reform and a much tougher approach to Govt spending will be necessary if NZ is to narrow the income gap with Australia, Treasury says.
Treasury calls for cuts as Labour speaks out on monetary policy
Treasury released a paper yesterday arguing that cuts to Government spending would take pressure off interest rates and the dollar.
Treasury outlines options for economy
Treasury has painted a bleak picture of an under-performing New Zealand economy and outlined some tough choices for the Government.
Retail deposit scheme modified
Treasury has tweaked the retail deposit scheme to help companies wean themselves off Crown support.
Govt accused of $50bn ETS blunder
A report out today says the government's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) could cost twice as much as originally estimated.
NZ takes prize for 'shameless two fingers' to world
A prominent British science writer has slammed New Zealand's clean, green reputation, calling it a "green mirage".
Householders face the biggest Kyoto burden
Taxpayers will be stuck with 84 per cent of NZ's Kyoto Protocol bill, while farmers and industrial emitters get hefty subsidies, a study says.
Super Fund 'on track' despite global crisis
The New Zealand Superannuation Fund is on track to meet its performance targets.