Latest fromNZ Treasury

Borrowing soars as deficit tops $15 billion
English confident of return to surplus, but spending limits will have to stay.

Targeted tax breaks shouldn't be allowed to fly under radar
The use of tax breaks 'must be more transparent'.

SOE values wide of the mark, says Treasury unit
Some top SOEs have been overvalued by their boards - with one worth just half its estimate, two new Treasury report say.

<i>Inside Money: </i> Got the finance company blues
All the moaning about the Securities Commission being a bunch of useless layabouts has finally paid off with the release of this truly depressing communiqué.

Our $500m 'gift' to Hollywood
NZ taxpayers have spent more than half a billion dollars over the past decade subsidising Hollywood.

Key itching for quick action on financial hub
John Key has slammed bureaucratic pin-pricking over the proposed NZ financial services hub as "absolute rubbish" and stepped in to put the project on the fast-track.

Govt accounts show pre-GST retail bonanza never happened
The Govt's budget cash deficit is wider than forecast as an expected spending surge ahead of the increase in GST failed to eventuate and companies paid less tax.