Supreme Court may decide suppression today for Grace Millane's killer
The Crown and media had until 10am today to file arguments about why he should be named.
The Crown and media had until 10am today to file arguments about why he should be named.
It is possible a decision on suppression may be reached before the Christmas break.
The killer has also asked the country's top court to continue suppression.
The Court of Appeal ruled the murderer's name suppression will lapse tomorrow.
Entrepreneur faces extradition to the United States on charges of copyright infringement.
US has sought the group's extradition for nearly a decade over alleged copyright crimes.
It is expected the sports star will file a further appeal to the Supreme Court.
It was the first time the country's top court has squarely considered directors' duties.
A lengthy case involving three Las Vegas casino bosses and a Kiwi winery has ended.
One victim was sent a scene from Pulp Fiction, showing a person being shot in the head.
Men "granted extensions of time to file their submissions on seven occasions", court says.
Final ruling totals $13.8m in seized assets nearly 10 years after first arrest.
The pair had sought name suppression, citing death threats and safety risks.
The Courts have also ramped up their technology to allow for remote hearings.
Stringer sought damages amounting to a total of over $3.5 million.
Some firearms owners claimed a "constitutional right" to access semi-automatic weapons.
Chief Justice: "For the rest of this week courts will operate only in the priority areas."
The Kiwi Party argued the Treaty of Waitangi should protect the right to bear arms.
The internet renegade continues to claim a former MP lied when giving evidence at trial.
Reekie, who is serving preventive detention, has been a thorn in Corrections' side.
NZ judges are turning into a rich, mostly white group, Chief Justice says.
Figures released by the Ministry of Justice show the size of the worrying trend.
Supreme Court has rejected a second bid by a sex offender to overturn his convictions.
A Bandido's gang associate appealed his conviction all the way to the Supreme Court.
Peter Ellis was convicted of child abuse at the Christchurch Civic Crèche in 1991.
An agreement would mean "mutual recognition" of court orders between countries.
Prominent sportsman linked to international drug conspiracy taking case to highest court.
Sport's star may now take case for secrecy to the Supreme Court.
He was freed from prison in 2000 but has always maintained his innocence.
The meditation retreat took its fight against the facility to the Supreme Court.