Latest fromNZ Steel

NZ Steel earnings jump 75% on strong demand
Strong demand and better prices have boosted earnings for NZ Steel.

Nearly 900 to strike at BlueScope steel mills
Steel workers from BlueScope will go on strike for a second time in 24 hours tomorrow.

Nick Collins: Kiwi metals manufacturing needs protection
COMMENT: New Zealand steel makers could do with some protection too.

NZ Steel in A$100m profit turnaround
The turnaround comes after two years of deep cost-cutting, sales and a change in focus.

Subsidies not hitting NZ Steel margins: MBIE
Chinese subsidies are too small to have injured the domestic industry, MBIE says.

Manukau leader Nganeko Minhinnick dies
Dame Nganeko Minhinnick, who led a claim to clean up the Manukau Harbour, has died.

Sprinklers on despite water crisis
Auckland may be in its worst water crisis for 23 years — but it seems someone forgot to tell the council's development arm, Panuku.

NZ Steel returns to profit in first half
A cost reduction drive, higher global steel prices, and synergies have seen a strong return to operating profit.

Smythe: Design the edge our steel needs
Comment: Time is ripe for New Zealand Steel to leverage off "possibly the most valuable iron in the world".

A2 Milk, Steel Tube lead index down
New Zealand shares dipped for a second day in a row yesterday, led lower by A2 Milk Co and Steel & Tube Holdings while Fletcher Building rose on construction expectations.

Bluescope halves net value of steel assets in A$350m writedown
Australian steel maker Bluescope is to make a A$350 million write down on the value of its New Zealand Steel and Pacific Steel businesses.

294m ship berth shocks marine officers
Marine officers are aghast a 294-metre iron-sands export ship will be allowed to berth close to the rugged Waikato west coast tomorrow - without a licensed pilot.

Equiticorp - the longest goodbye
In the year 2010, nearly 22 years after one of New Zealand's biggest corporate collapses, it's a little unnerving to call accountant