Mail delivery days could be halved
New Zealand Post’s proposal to reduce mail delivery service to as few as three times a week is unsustainable and unjustified, says the union for postal workers.
New Zealand Post’s proposal to reduce mail delivery service to as few as three times a week is unsustainable and unjustified, says the union for postal workers.
New Zealand Post has completed the delayed delivery of more than 18,000 pieces of mail allegedly stolen by a postie.
More undelivered mail has been handed in to police in Queenstown after it was found in the overgrown backyard where mail was found earlier.
NZ Post has sold its 35pc stake in Datacom to the NZ Superannuation Fund for $142m.
Kiwis have been waiting more than a month for overseas parcels containing Christmas presents, as mail authorities here question who is to blame.
The woman accused of stealing more than 17,000 pieces of mail bound for Wakatipu homes has been remanded on bail to February 14.
Six Christchurch post boxes have been broken into and the mail stolen, in what is being called a targeted criminal activity.
Another 10,000 pieces of undelivered mail have been discovered in a room at a storage company by Queenstown police.
Over the past 14 years, mail volumes have plummeted as social networking sites and online media make communicating easier.