I'm uneasy: a vote for Peters was a vote for yesteryear
Comment: NZ First represents the ideology that triggered Brexit and saw Trump elected
Comment: NZ First represents the ideology that triggered Brexit and saw Trump elected
What options does NZ First have to help form the next Government, and what does each mean?
COMMENT: Winston Peters could become a mere footnote to the 2017 election.
The crucial NZ First meeting will be held on Monday.
Comment: The decision will be made by a group of 21 MPs and party officials.
Comment: This is why I don't trust Winston Peters.
Unredacted documents show National MP didn't disclose spy history in China.
Here are ten items that suggest Winston Peters will be inclined to choose National.
15 of the most notable voting statistics to ponder after the final votes were revealed.
COMMENT: Why does a Nats-Green deal have such appeal - and what it might mean?
Which way will Winston Peters and NZ First jump?
Winston Peters finally speaks up about coalition talks.
Angie Warren-Clark heads to Parliament as a Labour list MP.
Winston Peters is sticking with the party's deadline to make a decision by Thursday.
Winston Peters is "where we need him", independence group says.
Massey University's Claire Robinson suggests this was far from a change election.
COMMENT: National looked desperate in keeping Paula Bennett away from first meeting.
What are the lessons today's players can learn from NZ's first MMP coalition agreement?
The three options New Zealand faces.
Jacinda Ardern says she expects Labour or the Greens to pick up at least one extra seat.
EDITORIAL: Winston Peters has no reason to rush the negotiations to form a government.
NZ First's caucus will meet tomorrow ahead of opening talks with leaders of major parties.
Maori Party's initial win in rural Marlborough booth revoked.
The Greens' refusal to consider a coalition with National is pathetic, former PM says.
Former Green MP Nandor Tanczos says the Greens must deal with National - but not now.
There was an incident with a knife, new babies and shades of Harry Potter for our new MPs.
COMMENT: The political left and Green Party supporters are outraged by the notion.
David Thornton was an anti-rates activist and former member of the North Shore council.