Political Roundup: National's deliberate 'woke-provoking' ad
COMMENT: Is National's latest online ad designed to promote a liberal backlash?
COMMENT: Is National's latest online ad designed to promote a liberal backlash?
Your views on the controversial ad.
Barry Soper comment: The new advertisement has everyone fired up - and talking.
COMMENT: Here's 10 reasons why Bridges can remain as National's leader.
COMMENT: Fresh pressure on National's leader after Judith Collins leapfrogs him in poll.
Comment: Is it the voice? Perceived weakness? The inability to bat away Jami-Lee Ross?
COMMENT: Key did much to advance conversation but subject remains final frontier.
Brash's opinions — odious to some, reasonable to others — should be heard and debated
Jami-Lee Ross challenged Simon Bridges on mental health this morning on Twitter.
MP who had affair with Jami-Lee Ross 'committed to the people of Invercargill'.
Some audiences will expect more than others in living up to the PM's Year of Delivery.
Cabinet Minister says she was shocked to see a National MP organising "trolls".
More than 70 public meetings begin on proposed radical education reforms.
Protesters are expected after the divisive former National leader is given right to speak.
COMMENT: Of all the reviews commissioned last year, one was particularly worthwhile.
Former MPs reveal what they miss, and what they don't, about Parliament.
COMMENT: On the eve of Waitangi, will Simon Bridges be the leader we need?
Simon Bridges is following in Richard Nixon's footsteps with politicisation of cannabis.
EDITORIAL: Government has no greater task than to increase home-ownership.
Speaker Trevor Mallard has approved extra security for access to National MPs' offices.
Incoming MP Agnes Loheni believes in enterprise, hard work and personal responsibility.
NZ expressed concerns about Venezuela after last May's elections, says Winston Peters.
Simon Bridges digs in and defends Sarah Dowie over police inquiry.
National MP seeks shorter school holiday for the good of parents and pupils.
A new centrist green party could potentially partner National post the 2020 election.
COMMENT: There's nothing edifying about the Jami-Lee Ross story.
COMMENT: MPs must accept the risks of public life, writes Audrey Young.
The MP is almost certain not to be a National Party candidate in the 2020 election.
Almost half of schools oppose plans to shift control of schools to regional 'hubs'.