Karel Sroubek supporter texted PM after residency initially granted
Sroubek supporter Richie Hardcore texted Jacinda Ardern after news of the case broke.
Sroubek supporter Richie Hardcore texted Jacinda Ardern after news of the case broke.
Bill would be irresponsible as teachers are already under workload pressures, says party.
Nikki Kaye's bill will set off a debate on which languages should be taught.
Nicola Patrick on the spirit of Christmas
Former MP Tony Ryall has purposely kept a low profile since exiting politics in 2014.
Government ''spin'' about Dargaville Police Station hours, says Northland MP Matt King
COMMENT: "Well, team," I said to caucus this morning, "Merry Christmas!"
COMMENT: Simon Bridges will be praying for a long hot summer where leaks dry up.
National MP plans to complain against Winston Peters for allegedly misleading the House.
A former staffer of MP Maggie Barry has laid a complaint with the Auditor General.
Speaker Trevor Mallard ordered Leader Simon Bridges to leave during Question Time.
National says the Govt is wrong to call Karel Sroubek's wife a National Party informant
"If I'm 'pathetic', what chance do you have of being heard?" Jesse Mulligan asks viewers.
Despite being against the rules, Bridges would not rule out using them.
COMMENT: The year, especially the past few months, hasn't been great for Bridges.
Staff should help MPs do their jobs, not help to re-elect them says electoral law expert.
National Party confirms support of MP accused of bullying her staff.
Barry denies accusations and says issues were dealt with by mutual agreement.
Simon Bridges said the Government was one of "good intentions but poor outcomes".
The months following her bypass was the "hardest thing physically" she has ever done.
Crusher Collins slams Labour Government in front of Whanganui retirees.
When councillors rebelled over speedway plan this week, Mayor Goff lost an important vote.
COMMENT: Maverick MP takes centre stage at Labour's Middlemore shindig.
Rangitikei MP Ian McKelvie - political leanings aside, we all want the best for NZ.
PM says the claim Labour undercosted its KiwiBuild policy by $18 billion is incorrect.
Petrol prices are now more concerning to Kiwis than poverty and healthcare.
COMMENT: How much of politicians' privates lives is fair game for the media?
A spokesman for National said the board has green-lighted a full health and safety review.
COMMENT: The Jami-Lee Ross saga re-emerges as a distraction for National.
Simon Bridges insists he can prove his critics wrong and survive the Jami-Lee Ross saga.