Provincial Growth Fund staff travel costs top $1m in a year
PGF minister Shane Jones says he's told staff they have to defend their spending.
PGF minister Shane Jones says he's told staff they have to defend their spending.
National has outlined the first 29 regulations it plans to scrap if it wins power.
The Government has faced its crises - but Covid-19 is its big test.
Is the capital of NZ set to change to Auckland? Or is all not as it seems?
The National Party leader has criticised the government's response to the coronavirus.
Comment: Maybe it's a storm in a teacup but there remains some very big question marks.
Tauranga 'one step from tragedy', National leader tells public meeting.
All four men have denied the allegations and said they will defend the charges in court.
Simon Bridges wants Australians convicted of serious crimes in NZ to be deported.
Nikki Kaye and Simon Bridges argue but she is vital in National's battle to win Auckland.
Party leader's bid to dissociate himself from donations scandal just won't wash.
Some claims of injustice are more just than others.
COMMENT: Money is earned, not given away. One side gets it, the other side doesn't.
PM Jacinda Ardern had a choice: look weak, or unstable. She chose weak.
It's not good for the National Party but Simon Bridges will now know the feeling of karma.
Let's hope our SFO and impartial justice system help ensure we retain the world's respect.
Jami-Lee Ross says he will defend the allegations against him in court.
The identities of the group charged by the SFO can now be revealed.
The four accused are due to appear in court next week.
National is looking into putting a stop to a $20 an hour minimum wage, if elected.
Pattrick Smellie argues the PM needs to assert her authority as the scandal drags on.
National offers up 'back to basics' economic strategy of lower taxes and less regulation.
If claims against Winston Peters are true, National says he needs to step down.
"People are dying. It's not something where we are just talking about as a theory."
You can usually count on Winston to make a bad situation worse, writes Audrey Young.
Jones hit out at Bridges making personal remarks. So Paula Bennett snapped back.
The problem is not donations laws: it is those who try to outwit them.
Jacinda Ardern and Simon Bridges both made procedural errors. Guess who was reprimanded.
Editorial: NZ First Foundation revelations passed to the Serious Fraud Office.
Senior Māori ministers joined Jacinda Ardern for the meeting to ease tensions.