Judith Collins crushes coup, predicts bid to oust Simon Bridges will fail
Judith Collins: 'I am not part of anything that is going on'.
Judith Collins: 'I am not part of anything that is going on'.
Simon Bridges takes a Covid-19 strategy to his challengers: go hard, go early. Eliminate.
COMMENT: They're panic-stricken, fearful of their personal plight, and not the party's.
National leader Simon Bridges has made an embarrassing gaffe on live radio.
Bridges says a leadership challenge a 'massive distraction'.
A stormy week ahead for National MPs as they prepare for D-Day next Tuesday.
'Time to roll Simon. Landslide loss in September otherwise.'
Former PM Jim Bolger believes this politician is the solution to National's problem.
COMMENT: Simon Bridges doesn't wash with voters and that's for National to sort out.
National says Govt should give motorists a break, with price increase due in July.
Michael Woodhouse critical of decision to leave out Hillside railway from the Budget.
It's here at last, New Zealand. Our first level 2 weekend.
National MP Chris Bishop has kept his word after being challenged to sport a mudflap.
Two political heavyweights of NZ politics talk about crises, past and present.
Rahui Papa said there is a 'growing feeling' that the Government is undermining iwi.
COMMENT: If they can't offer a viable alternative blueprint, they don't deserve to win.
Simon Bridges reacts to level 2 announcement.
The lap of luxury is not a comfortable one for National's Simon Bridges.
New law would remove public and councils input into whether projects proceed.
Luxon and Brown say the community has been promised a flyover and expects a flyover.
National's leader will not be rolled ahead of the Budget, but after that all bets are off.
Jami-Lee Ross says the party will be called Advance New Zealand.
David Seymour wanted a hair cut and a pay cut, Peters served a dish he prepared earlier.
Bridges questions Ardern about plight of workers, small businesses as Parliament resumes.
COMMENT: Back him or sack him: National needs to put leadership speculation to bed, fast.
Fellow MP Nick Smith reminded Macindoe 'we are in public session' after his comments.
Peter Dunne says getting through Covid and onto the election is a "massive" balancing act.
"If Chris was the prime minister, you would see is a very strong emphasis on the economy."
National leader has said small businesses are a 'sacrificial lamb' – Robertson hits back.
Rumours National's leadership on shaky ground following a controversial Facebook post.