Latest fromNZ National Party

<i>John Armstrong</i>: Labour gets headlines, National gets job done
Political commentator John Armstrong says nothing happening in politics this week had a hope of upstaging the fall and fall of Chris Carter.

Foreshore plan opens door to Maori claims
The Govt will introduce a new property title that can be claimed over the foreshore and seabed.

PM's adviser living it up in Sin City
John Key's right-hand man is living it up with big-spending lobbyists in the casinos of Las Vegas.

Compulsory super debate 'inevitable'
Finance Minister Bill English says the debate around compulsory superannuation will come again and revive the issue of whether means testing should be introduced.

Kiwibank at top of Nats' sale list
While Bill English has singled out Kiwibank as an attractive asset for buyers, he said the Govt would not sell assets without a public mandate.

Why the leaky homes bailout is unfair
The government's description of the leaky building issue as a "natural disaster of huge proportions" is both a clever device and a dangerous precedent.

<i>Matt McCarten</i>: Brown's hope as Hide bulldozes public opinion
Banks' strategists are going to have a hard time getting media to believe their political spin from now on.