Latest fromNZ National Party

Maori Party wavers in support for foreshore bill
The Maori Party has indicated it is rethinking its support of the new foreshore and seabed bill after pressure from Hone Harawira and Act.

Act foreshore move causes tension with Maori Party
Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia is not guaranteeing her party's support for new foreshore legislation after moves to amend it to explicitly state iwi could not charge for access.

Ready, set ... and it's all slow on PPPs
Roads, schools, prisons - business wants a share of the action, but the Government is in no rush, reports Nick Smith.

<i>Deborah Hill Cone</i>: Election suffering lack of gravitas
Blockbuster issues sorely missing as candidates morph into anonymous blob.

<i>John Armstrong:</i> Politics permeate post quake actions
The political stakes have suddenly become very high as the enormity of the earthquake's impact becomes more and more apparent.

'Smiling assassin' targets rich immigrants
At Merrill Lynch in 1998, the ever-cheerful John Key was nicknamed "the smiling assassin" after he fired some 50 members of his team.

China link to Nats' $200,000
The National Party has received $200,000 from a wealthy Chinese NZ couple linked to the Crafar farms bid.

PM makes a case for compulsory super
John Key says public opinion has shifted since compulsory superannuation was rejected in a 1997 referendum.