Christopher Luxon outlines the Government's nine new public service targets
Christopher Luxon outlines the Government's nine new public service targets to be delivered by 2030. Video / Mark Mitchell
Christopher Luxon outlines the Government's nine new public service targets to be delivered by 2030. Video / Mark Mitchell
Many in Government are being hit with pay cuts or redundancies. Except Parliament.
The Government announces a suite of policy as Parliament returns for another sitting week.
The company faced scrutiny after legal action from stonemasons who developed silicosis.
OPINION: The likes of Key and Clark are seen as having an outsize influence on debate.
Opponents want to compare Willis to Ruth Richardson. She is quite different.
Final numbers cannot be confirmed until Budget decisions are announced in May.
The ministry is proposing job cuts to meet its savings targets.
Three Strikes laws are making a comeback. But should they?
Simeon Brown says the coalition has plans to introduce new legislation this year.
Christopher Luxon got a flu vaccine and a roasting from Opposition parties.
Thousands will be affected by the financial adjustments.
Spending at the Ministry for Pacific Peoples will be slashed by 40 per cent.
Willis has conceded she won’t be able to get the books back in shape quickly.
OPINION: Delivery is always tough for the Government - even if the economy was stronger.
Thousands will be affected by the changes in just a few days' time.
Finance Minister avoids unveiling likely size of Budget 2024.
Up to $75 a week is there for eligible households as National keeps an election promise.
Chris Finlayson addresses Pākehā angst against Māori and the Treaty.
OPINION: Funding tax cuts this year means deeper cuts with little economic benefit.
OPINION: Govt books need knocking into shape before they dish out inflationary tax cuts.
The performance was part of this year's Auckland Arts Festival.
Officials warned revenue, mainly fuel taxes, would need to double.
Van Velden said redundancies also happened in the private sector all the time.
Ministries are urged to find savings between 6.5 and 7.5 per cent on average.
Recession as a second quarter of contraction recorded, per capita numbers are even worse.
OPINION: The Crown holds the purse strings. The mayor needs to understand that.
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has told political leaders to ‘grow up’.
Pressure is growing on the Government to act, after Australia decided to ban the stone.