Family time on agenda as busy year rolls in
Jami-Lee Ross, National MP for Botany, talks to Audrey Young.
Jami-Lee Ross, National MP for Botany, talks to Audrey Young.
Colin Craig says repealing the anti-smacking law will be a condition of his support for a National-led Government, after confirming he smacked his own child.
Conservative Party leader Colin Craig says he doesn't expect any backlash from his admission this morning that he still smacks his own child.
Conservative leader Colin Craig is confident he can change people's minds about him, after a Herald poll found a third of respondents believed he was too extreme.
Government's coffers end up with $12 million from $33 million worth of assets ordered seized by judges.
Irreverent Cabinet Minister Paula Bennett has produced her own pink wine label on a chardonnay this Christmas called "Sip It Sweetie".
National's sitting MP in Kaikoura, Colin King, was ousted by his own party last night after a challenge from a local farmer at a selection meeting.
To suddenly talk about tax cuts would send a very mixed message about the need for continued restraint in government spending, writes John Armstrong.
National list MP Katrina Shanks will resign from Parliament in the New Year to work as chief executive of the Funeral Directors' Association.
From the earliest results, it was obvious Labour was going to win - and win big. It was slaughter, pure and simple, writes John Armstrong.
Editorial: Regulation appeals to governments because it is the easiest response to a problem. But each affects people's freedom in some way.
The last Labour Govt was ousted amid cries of "Nanny State". Five years on, the National-led Govt has also been accused of running people's lives.
Primary and intermediate school teachers are being overworked and some subjects are prioritised at the expense of others, says a study into National Standards.
To understand Paula Bennett's value to the National Party, you just have to see how much Labour cant stand her.
The PM is factoring in the possibility of a visit by Barack Obama to NZ as one of the wild cards he has to consider in setting the date for next year's election.
In the second part of a Herald investigation, we look at the MPs' property rich list. The top ten MPs, what they own and why a Labour MP didn't declare her trusteeship.
A lobby group believes a loophole exposed by the Herald of MPs non-disclosure of properties held in superannuation schemes is 'stinging taxpayers in the pocket'.
The Herald's research into politicians' property holdings for this week's three-part series is the biggest data journalism project in New Zealand.
John Key has admitted he had to be persuaded to back off his bid to press the Reserve Bank into exempting first-home buyers from the banks' new loan rules.
Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Bill English is to give up his Clutha-Southland seat at the next election and stand as a list candidate.
Has the political landscape really changed during the time shift from BC (Before Cunliffe) to AD (After David)?
Coalition mathematics is not far from the Prime Minister's mind these days.
Almost 100,000 Kiwis have had personal details accidentally released under National, says Labour leader.
Cabinet Minister and Napier MP Chris Tremain has confirmed that he will stand down from Parliament next year.
A winter of discontent in heartland National Party territory has nothing to do with the GCSB bill, as John Key likes to point out
Conference 2013 was meant to be the conference of good ideas. Political editor Audrey Young looks at whether it delivered.
Bill English's speech provided a vital clue as to how National will fight next year's election. It will go relentlessly on the offensive across all fronts, writes John Armstrong.