English to give up Clutha seat
Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Bill English is to give up his Clutha-Southland seat at the next election and stand as a list candidate.
Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Bill English is to give up his Clutha-Southland seat at the next election and stand as a list candidate.
Coalition mathematics is not far from the Prime Minister's mind these days.
Has the political landscape really changed during the time shift from BC (Before Cunliffe) to AD (After David)?
Almost 100,000 Kiwis have had personal details accidentally released under National, says Labour leader.
Cabinet Minister and Napier MP Chris Tremain has confirmed that he will stand down from Parliament next year.
A winter of discontent in heartland National Party territory has nothing to do with the GCSB bill, as John Key likes to point out
Conference 2013 was meant to be the conference of good ideas. Political editor Audrey Young looks at whether it delivered.
Bill English's speech provided a vital clue as to how National will fight next year's election. It will go relentlessly on the offensive across all fronts, writes John Armstrong.
Senior Government ministers Bill English and Steven Joyce say National Party members will be asked for policy ideas at the party conference in Nelson this weekend to take into next year's election.
If Labour leader David Shearer wants a tip from a winner, former Prime Minister Helen Clark says her advice is always to "be yourself".
The Act Party wants National supporters to save it from oblivion at next year's election, telling them it needs not just one, but two Parliamentary seats.
New Zealand First leader Winston Peters said his concerns about the bill had widened beyond the four he specified in his first reading.
Matt McCarten says John Key must feel like he's in a B-grade horror movie where his prom dates keep coming to gruesome demises.
Prime Minister John Key's decision to suddenly back Auckland on big infrastructure investments wasn't simply designed to steal a march on his Labour opponents.
I guess Maggie Barry's thoughts have turned to composing her bucket list, writes Brian Rudman. And leaving messages on her boss' phone, pleading for another u-turn.
A political strategist who has trained National Party MPs says the Ports of Auckland colluded with right wing bloggers to undermine industrial action against the Ports of Auckland.
One of National MP Maurice Williamson's supporters says he dropped his ambition to run as Auckland's mayor partly because the National Party refused to let him stand under the party's banner.
Leaked documents written by a political strategist who has trained National MPs set out a vision for taking the party to the right of the political spectrum.
New National MP Claudette Hauiti gives every indication she has had a crash course in how not to be controversial.
The Government is again accused of interfering to appoint a 'mate' to a top public sector job.
National is facing the "notoriously difficult" task of winning a third term against an Opposition increasingly dragged to the "far left" by the Greens, says Key
National Party members are pushing for a new "waka-jumping" law to force rogue list MPs out of Parliament.
The Accident Compensation Corporation's Earners and Work Accounts are now fully funded ACC Minister Judith Collins has told National Party members at their Northern Regional Conference today.
Over the next 18 months, expect to see Key, and David Shearer, too, hovering outside Peters' office, bottle of Scotch in hand, writes Toby Manhire.
Property developers who "sit and wait" for land values to increase have been sent a clear signal that the Government will act to bring more housing into the market.