Audrey Young: Cunliffe, Key and that poll
It was disappointing to hear David Cunliffe suggesting today's Herald DigiPoll survey putting Labour at 29.5 per cent is off the mark, writes Audrey Young.
It was disappointing to hear David Cunliffe suggesting today's Herald DigiPoll survey putting Labour at 29.5 per cent is off the mark, writes Audrey Young.
David Cunliffe says National's support will corrode over perceptions of crony capitalism - but admits there's more work for Labour to do after today's abysmal poll result.
Labour's support has sunk nearly six points and it is polling only 29.5 per cent in the Herald-DigiPoll survey.
Opponents see Key as using the flag to surreptitiously tap into the rich veins of patriotism and national identity that lurk in voters' subconscious, writes John Armstrong.
In setting September 20 as the date for the election, the PM has just managed to avoid looking like he is using his position to questionable advantage, writes John Armstrong.
My colonoscopy involved sedation providing a 15-20 minute sleep, so light I woke up during it and watched for a time before dozing off again, writes Bob Jones.
A string of National Party high-flyers have been entertained by the milk exporter at the centre of a conflict of interest row involving Justice Minister Judith Collins
National's election-year overhaul of MPs and contenders continued over the weekend with the selection of Wayne Walford to contest the battleground Napier seat.
Labour MP Grant Robertson says Judith Collins' claim that she dropped in to Oravida in Shanghai for a casual cup of tea does not ring true.
Tony Ryall is and has always been the archetypal, solid-to-the-core National Party MP who believes that loyalty to one's party is paramount, writes John Armstrong.
National and the Greens have been major movers in the latest One News Colmar Brunton poll, with National up six points to 51 per cent and the Greens down by five to 8 per cent.
Prime Minister John Key says he is committed to staying for the full three-year term if he remains as prime minister after the general election this year.
National will leave decisions about endorsement of other parties such as Act and the Conservatives possibly as late as the election campaign.
Mr Key says it's a 'bit sad' but agitators do finally leave and everyone enjoys a `family day'.
Claire Robinson asks; "Why bad policy making? Because neither Cabinet nor the general public are capable of making the best decision for NZ on the design of the flag of the future."
In what is quickly becoming a year-long de facto election campaign, one can guarantee National will drum in the message that Cunliffe is a politician who cannot be trusted, writes John Armstrong.
Justice Minister Judith Collins says Greens co-leader Metiria Turei is a "sanctimonious hypocrite" for championing the poor while dressing in expensive designer clothes.
The long running tit-for-tat between Metiria Turei and senior Government ministers over her clothes has reignited again with claims of racism and hypocrisy.
'We've been absolutely clear in all the materials.' David Cunliffe has defended against accusations he mislead the public over his $60 baby bonus.
Pacific Islanders need to rediscover their entrepreneurial spirit, says the new minister tasked with turning around their job and education prospects.
Prime Minister John Key has accused Labour leader David Cunliffe of "misleading New Zealanders" over the $60-a-week child payment scheme.
The shame over Parliament non-attendance rests on the Prime Minister's shoulders, Hone Harawira says.
Labour's $60-a-week child payment scheme may produce less work and more babies, economists say.
Mana Party Leader Hone Harawira says Prime Minister John Key's criticism of his record of attendance at Parliament is "petty".
PM John Key has hinted National is working on its own legislation to extend paid parental leave - but will it match the 26 weeks Labour is pushing for?
Mana Party Leader and sole MP Hone Harawira is "taking the mickey’’ with his frequent absences from Parliament, Prime Minister John Key says.