Latest fromNZ National Party
Controversial Labour candidate meets PM
He called him ''Shylock'' and a ''nasty little creep'' but Labour candidate Steve Gibson was among those queueing to shake hands with Prime Minister John Key today
PM song 'clearly a satirical piece'
Satirists would be safe from breaching Electoral Commission rules if their work was only for humour and not as an election advertisement, a court has been told.
Sexual abuse court trials may be reviewed again
A move away from the adversarial court system for sexual and domestic violence may be back on the agenda after the resignation of former Justice Minister Judith Collins, a senior National MP says.
Left backs National's plan for prisons
Labour and the Greens are backing National's plan to get all prisoners working or studying fulltime within three years.
Claire Trevett: Schoolyard one-upmanship at expense of detail
For the past month, National leader John Key and Labour leader David Cunliffe have bemoaned the focus on Dirty Politics and the lack of attention to their policies.
Nats pledge to keep bases open
A re-elected National Government would keep all current military bases open and operational, Defence Minister Jonathan Coleman says.
Nats to keep current bases open
A re-elected National Government would keep all current military bases open and operational, Defence Minister Jonathan Coleman says.
John Armstrong: Tax offcut all that Key offers
Armstrong writes: The PM's offer is not so much a tax cut, more like a tax offcut - one which will not be finding its way into your wallet for the best part of another three years.
Maori TV jobs safe: board chief
Maori Television says there will be no job losses at its news show Te Kaea and changes at the station have been put on hold.
Maori TV scraps news show?
Up to 25 people could see their jobs axed as Maori Television ditches its Te Kaea news show, Mana leader Hone Harawira claimed late last night.
Commercial fishing ban in new marine parks
The Government plans to establish two marine parks for recreational fishing - and pay millions in compensation to the commercial interests that would be forced out.
Hawkes Bay council merger shapes up as big issue for voters
After being relinquished by National's Chris Tremain, the battle for the seat of Napier has been heating up between Labour's Stuart Nash and National newcomer Wayne Walford.
Labour candidate on 'last, last chance'
The Labour Party election campaign is in a mess after one candidate reportedly made an anti-Semitic jibe shortly after another candidate sent a bizarre email.
Epsom plan not everyone's cup of tea
Prime Minister John Key slotted in his first campaign visit to the Epsom electorate yesterday and found not everybody was willing to go along with his instructions to vote for Act's David Seymour.
Inquiry will look for evidence of conduct breach
The inquiry just announced by the Prime Minister focuses on Judith Collins and asks whether there is evidence she breached conduct expected of ministers
Nat voters prefer Craig to Peters
National voters prefer the prospect of a post-election deal with Colin Craig's Conservative Party rather than Winston Peters' NZ First, a Herald-DigiPoll survey suggests.
Inquiry to start ahead of election
An inquiry into allegations former Justice Minister Judith Collins tried to undermine then-SFO boss Adam Feeley will begin a week before the election.
Poll: Dirt doesn't stick to Nats
National's polling has barely flickered in the three weeks since the Dirty Politics book was launched the latest Herald-Digipoll reveals.
Tax battle heats up election campaign
The election campaign tax battle turned nasty yesterday as PM John Key accused David Cunliffe of punishing grieving children, and he returned with a Pike blow.
Slater seeks halt to emails
Whaleoil blogger Cameron Slater is going to the High Court in an effort to stop media publishing information taken by the hacker known as Rawshark.
Whaledump's Twitter axed
John Key says the National Party had nothing to do with the shutting down of the @Whaledump Twitter account.
'Cam, any chance of a better photo??'
Collins and Slater appear to have frequent contact over entire time she was a Cabinet minister, including an email discussion about the editing of her Wikipedia page.
Gordon McLauchlan: Why are our politicians sleepwalking?
Are our politicians sleepwalking, asks Gordon McLauchlan, flabbergasted he's being told the Dirty Politics scandal is all just a distraction.
Farmers slam Nats' cattle ban plan
Federated Farmers is questioning the need for a National Party proposal for a compulsory ban on dairy cattle from all waterways.
Rural broadband pledge takes National's total beyond $2.3b
National has unveiled $266 million worth of new policies including a $150 million boost to its rural broadband initiative in the past week.