National holds its first caucus meeting
National has farewelled departing MPs at Parliament this morning and welcomed its new faces.
National has farewelled departing MPs at Parliament this morning and welcomed its new faces.
National will seek to forge a closer relationship with New Zealand First this term "on a case by case basis" despite Winston Peters' determination to lead the opposition, Prime Minister John Key says.
Act's sole MP David Seymour will meet John Key at Parliament today with a wishlist for a confidence and supply agreement, including for him to become a minister.
Fashion is about self-expression, individuality, it is a way of communicating with the world around you.
Prime Minister John Key says his former adviser and National Party staffer Jason Ede was not forced out of his job in response to the Dirty Politics scandal.
In Labour's worst defeat in 92 years, the party vote in central Auckland strongholds Mt Albert and Mt Roskill turned blue.
It will be like the first day of school when 29 new MPs, 15 of them from the National Party, turn up to various caucus meetings at Parliament today.
John Key says education reform, National's Home Start housing programme and the continuation of welfare reform are the three key areas to focus on.
Mike Hosking writes: National had the best case. The best project to present. The best story to tell. The best numbers to back them.
The election success of National has weakened the bargaining power of their support parties.
John Key's achievement on Saturday is historically remarkable.
The election turned out like it did because the attack politics described in Dirty Politics work, says its author Nicky Hager.
The new Parliament is a melting pot of ethnicities and religions - but one thing has stayed the same, it's a male-dominated House of Representatives.
The Herald-DigiPoll survey came closest to predicting the final election result, an analysis of the four major polls shows.
John Key yesterday began his third term as Prime Minister with a strict warning to National MPs and ministers: don't get arrogant.
This is a horrible column to write. (Gets up to make a cup of coffee. Instant coffee! De-activates Facebook page.
Whangarei's new MP is a high-achieving doctor who was called on by the New Zealand Embassy to help in the wake of the Boston Marathon terror bombings.
Former minister Judith Collins is returning to Parliament but appears to have been punished by voters in Papakura, with her majority halved.
What the public wanted to hear from him was a large measure of mea culpa. What it got was Cunliffe blaming everyone but himself.
The blue tide that has ruled over Northland for the past 40 years swept over the region again with National Party retaining the Whangarei and Northland seats.
As National began to slide in the polls last week, one senior Beehive staffer was puzzled as to why.
So much for "dirty politics". So much for Nicky Hager, Cameron Slater, "Rawshark", "Whaledump", Kim Dotcom, Glenn Greenwald, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange ...
Tax cuts are coming for most New Zealanders ... but you're going to have to wait for three years.
Labour leader David Cunliffe says he will not stand down despite a heavy defeat in election 2014.
Three more years they chanted at the National Party headquarters as the scale of their resounding victory in Election 2014 became clear.
An indisputable triumph for one man; a total and unmitigated disaster for his many enemies.
'Getting stuck on a benefit is like crack cocaine,' deputy Prime Minister Bill English told a Tauranga crowd yesterday - and beneficiary advocates aren't impressed.
The PM has accused Glenn Greenwald of acting against NZ's interest after the US journalist said he'd release details of NZ's spying activities on its allies ahead of UN vote.