Treasury's toxic cocktail of tax hikes, spending cuts and asset sales to fix books
Treasury has put everything on the table.
Treasury has put everything on the table.
Simeon Brown says NZTA will take on all associated decision-making responsibilities.
OPINION: What happens next is the fault of the last Government.
OPINION: As we head into winter, how will New Zealand's energy grid cope?
OPINION: As the Luxon Government fails, the Opposition needs someone who will step up.
OPINION: 'The role of the judiciary is to interpret our law, not to make new law.'
Same-day enrolment could go the way of the dodo.
A small number of double votes is likely, but it would not change the result.
OPINION: Everybody - including the PM - left yesterday's press conference confused.
OPINION: Could this be a one-term government?
The NZ First leader's comments overshadowed a Government policy announcement on education.
The former Australian Foreign Minister says he will take legal action.
Labour leader Chris Hipkins speaks about Winston Peters' Aukus speech and his comments about former NSW Premier Bob Carr. Video / Alyse Wright
Labour leader Chris Hipkins speaks about the importance of community charities like BBM. Video / Alyse Wright
Overall, about 3474 public service jobs will go.
An ex-Labour MP also criticises political editor's coverage; TVNZ responds. Have your say.
The Prime Minister says he does not need the increase and will donate it to charity.
Labour leader Chris Hipkins speaks about the 1News Verian poll and the coalition Government's response to it. Video / Mark Mitchell
Penny Simmonds has also been stripped of the Disability Issues portfolio.
OPINION: Both parties have talked themselves into a pistols-at-dawn showdown.
Reinstating Three Strikes was both National and Act policy in their election campaigns.
Labour is warning against allowing three MPs the right to fast-track infrastructure.
The Act leader says the Labour Party didn't set aside funds for school lunches after 2024.
'The person you see in the public arena is not the person you see behind closed doors.'
An economist says new spending is debt-funded while we're in deficit.
Labour leader Chris Hipkins is critical of the Government's targets, especially truancy. Video / Mark Mitchell
The Government targeted areas where Labour is weak, but one MP made a personal warning.
Many in Government are being hit with pay cuts or redundancies. Except Parliament.
OPINION: The likes of Key and Clark are seen as having an outsize influence on debate.
Ministry of Health proposes to slash 134 roles entirely to meet Govt savings directive.