Barry Soper: Labour's no new taxes promise easier said than done
COMMENT: Read their lips, there'll be no new taxes, other than for the wealthy.
COMMENT: Read their lips, there'll be no new taxes, other than for the wealthy.
COMMENT: More of a gesture than a tax policy.
Profiles of the Banks Peninsula, Southland, Nelson, Taieri and Invercargill electorates.
Comment: Property investors' lobby group urged members to ask tenants about heat pumps.
There were four new cases of Covid-19 in New Zealand announced yesterday.
Profiling Whanganui, Ōhāriu, Wairarapa, Palmerston North, Hutt South, Wellington Central.
It is understood Labour's small business policy will address NZ's high paywave fees.
Matariki holiday will cost $200m a year, but two-thirds of Kiwis support it.
COMMENT: Judith Collins is leaning more towards the Muller approach than the Bridges one.
Labour calls landlord advice 'deeply disappointing' and letting down their fellow Kiwis.
Lowering the screening age 'risks setting back progress', the ministry concluded.
New calls have been raised to ban shipments of live animals after Gulf Livestock 1 sinks.
Jacinda Ardern deeply saddened to hear of former Cook Islands PM's death from Covid-19.
Should Rotorua's rich be taxed more? Made with funding from NZ On Air.
National says Labour ministers knew the funding was wrong but went ahead anyway.
Court of Appeal says social media has become a toxic place with 'internet vigilantism'.
Go behind the O Week stalls to meet some of our youngest political leaders.
The investment will allow 100 community houses to be built in Auckland in two years.
Editorial: Seeing is believing, unless it's a dodgy promotion for a political party.
Covid-19 and opposition from NZ First stopped introduction of the public health measure.
Jones spent almost $30,000 on his ministerial expense account – Ardern spent half that.
'Determined that housing doesn't look like it did post-GFC' - Woods
We explore the issues behind a video of the PM's visit to Covid-19 agencies.
Advance NZ has received $65,000 from a company co-owned by the party's co-leader.
The original ad featured Bloomfield ... then did not ... and now it has been taken down.
The PM's spokeswoman said the video was not an ad but an update on the Covid response.
Most chief executives would be mortified by what happened to Ashley Bloomfield this week.
Customs is leading investigations after the cruise ship sparked a cluster here.
COMMENT: Hopefully this reminds Labour – and us voters – that we can and should do better.
Tukituki candidates on workers versus employers. Made with funding from NZ On Air.