Latest fromNZ Labour Party

Fran O’Sullivan: Why bipartisan cooperation is key to NZ’s infrastructure future
Chris Bishop has invited Barbara Edmonds to join the Infrastructure Summit in March.

Two new polls show Labour/Greens/Te Pāti Māori can form Government, NZ headed in wrong direction
The polls also show the gap closing between Hipkins and Luxon in the preferred PM rankings

Parliament naughtiest in recent history
The current House could see more referrals to the privileges committee than any other.

Chris Hipkins on the Government's welcome to Waitangi
Chris Hipkins speaks about protesters during David Seymour's speech and his views on Christopher Luxon not attending Waitangi Day. Video / Alyse Wright

Chris Hipkins' annual waka paddle
Chris Hipkins speaks about Waitangi and his waka-paddling tradition. Video/ Alyse Wright

Waitangi 2025: Fallen MP inspires Marama Davidson's challenge to Govt amid political return
Davidson's return comes eight months after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Opinion: Luxon’s Minister for Economic Growth may as well be a Minister of Silly Walks
OPINION: The PM should put his marketing past behind him.

Highest CEO payout triggered by change in Government: $532,500
Water services boss Jon Lamonte pocketed a half-million-dollar payout when Govt changed.

‘Special’: Hipkins on new partner Toni, politics and co-parenting
Away from the Beehive, the leader of the Opposition is buzzing with happiness.

Former minister Russell Marshall dies aged 88
Russell Marshall was Whanganui MP from 1972 to 1990.

Richard Prebble: The New Year resolutions the Government should make
OPINION: It cannot continue with the same policies and expect different outcomes.

Why Four Square is finally apologising to Kiwi feminist after 55 years
Joss Shawyer resisted forced adoption and supported other single mothers to do the same

Winston Peters fails to produce evidence a close relative of Dr Ayesha Verrall leaked documents
NZ First leader Winston Peters has so far failed to produce any evidence a close relative of Labour health spokeswoman Dr Ayesha Verrall leaked documents. Video / Mark Mitchell

Luxon's 'I'm wealthy, I'm sorted' leading Quote of the Year votes
The PM's one-liner received the most nominations for the award.

‘An announcement about an announcement’: Labour slams ferry delay
Chris Hipkins has accused the coalition of dithering on replacing the ferries.

Labour loses confidence in Speaker after 'unprecedented' decision
It follows a ruling on Tuesday night.

Watch: Govt grilled after key questions on new ferries left unanswered
A cost blowout forced the cancellation of project started under the Labour Government.

Speaker overturns advice on Fast-track Approvals Bill's private benefit
An expert criticises the rushed lawmaking, saying it undermines select committee scrutiny.

Latest poll shows Te Pāti Māori getting boost, National and Act need NZF
It follows another political poll earlier in the day.

Labour MP Arena Williams: A second summer – and still no new ferries
OPINION: NZ still remains without a reliable Cook Strait connection.

Canterbury fire rages on as Labour continues pressure on the government | NZ Herald News Update
The fire on Castle Hill, Canterbury continues to burn as it has since Thursday this week. Labour continues to press the governments policies as Franklin road prepares to re-open.