Focus: Ex-Cyclone Fehi lashes NZ
Heavy rain, flooding and thunderstorms as Fehi hits near Franz Joseph.
Heavy rain, flooding and thunderstorms as Fehi hits near Franz Joseph.
Yesterday in Dunedin it was 35C - today they're facing torrential rain and school's out.
Attention has now been turned to the threat of flooding in Dunedin, after a large fire forced 100 residents to be evacuated.
January was the hottest month NZ has experienced since 1867, Dr Jim Salinger says.
As the storm batters the south island and parts of the north, civil defence and local councils are urging people to stay away from beaches and exposed area.
Cyclone to bring phenomenal deluges, damaging winds and snow.
Blaze moved at 'frightening speed' says devastated business owner.
English's leadership bolstered by Newshub Reid Research poll.
House-price growth eased in main centres but regions are enjoying a property resurgence
Mt Eden cat ventures out in the dead of the night and steals underwear.
Rumours are circulating about disquiet in the ranks of the National Party.
A major weather event is expect to hit the country over the next two days with possible flooding for parts of the South Island.
Opposition leader Bill English has delivered his state of the nation speech in Wellington.
An entire suburb's undies were regularly going missing - now the culprit's been outed.
New Zealanders are wiping out supermarkets' supplies of summer essentials like sunblock.
NIWA says if it gets to 39.5C or higher, it’ll be the tenth warmest temperature of all time in NZ.
People warned to expect floods, wild winds and thunderstorms.
It's back to school and the traffic nightmare starts for another year.
Much of the country swelters in scorching temperatures
Some state houses in Auckland are valued around 3 million dollars.
Scribe spends three days in jail after allegedly breaching bail.
Adults are struggling with the heat, babies are struggling even more. Here's how to help.
Kiwis are coming up with ingenious ways of coping with the heatwave
Yes you can still exercise outdoors, even in this heat, but here's what you need to know.
Couple 'treasured their secret' in the months leading up to public pregnancy announcement.
New Zealand may be about to deal with a double dose of tropical trouble.
Kiwis are getting creative to beat the heat.
If you thought it's been humid already, be warned - it may be about to get stickier.
Grandfather leaves kids in hot car while he gets lunch from shopping centre.