Latest fromNZ Herald Focus Live

Focus Live: Police chief Andrew Coster on how police will enforce alert level 3
Police will set up checkpoints this long weekend to stop any unessential travel.

Focus Live: Three new Covid-19 cases, death toll now 16
There are two new deaths in New Zealand from Covid-19, taking our total toll to 16. There are only three new cases in New Zealand, the smallest number so far.

Focus Live: Government unveils $50m support package for media
The Government has unveiled a $50 million package to help the media industry which has seen advertising revenues plummet due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Focus Live: Six new cases of Covid-19, death toll now 14
There are six new cases of Covid-19 in New Zealand and one additional death. She was a woman in her 80s from the Rosewood rest home cluster in Christchurch.

Focus Live: National justice announcement
Christopher Luxon makes a justice announcement with Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee. Announcement with Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee

Focus Live: Five new cases, Auckland woman dies of coronavirus
There are five new cases of Covid-19 today. There was a further death - a woman in her 70s from St Margaret's rest home in Te Atatu. Education Minister Chris Hipkins says that distance learning will continue 'for some time'.

Focus Live: Chris Hipkins, Kiri Allan on improving victims' rights
Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and Justice Minister Kiri Allan will make a victims-focused announcement. It includes a range of measures to improve the justice system for victims of family and sexual violence.

Focus Live: PM Chris Hipkins addresses media
Prime Minister Chris Hipkins addresses the media on Decarbonising Industry (GIDI) Fund and the Government National Environment Standard for Renewable Energy. Video / Jed Bradley

Focus Live: Christopher Luxon speaks to media
The Prime Minister is on a trade trip to Asia.

Focus Live: Nine new coronavirus cases, death toll is now 12
There are nine new coronavirus cases in New Zealand and one additional death. The death brings the total toll to 12 and is of a man in Invercargill who died at home and who was linked to the Bluff wedding cluster.

Focus Live: Minister Tinetti addresses maths and literacy learning
Minister Tinetti addresses the media on maths and literacy learning. Video / NZ Herald

Focus Live: Christopher Luxon speaks to media
The Prime Minister is on a trade trip to Asia.

Focus Live: PM Hipkins makes education announcement
Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and Education Minister Jan Tinetti will be unveiling an education announcement this morning, which is for Year 4-8 students. Video / Jed Bradley

Focus Live: Ardern concerned about how much sleep Jason Walls getting
Focus Live: PM Jacinda Ardern concerned about how much sleep NZ Herald political reporter Jason Walls is getting during coronavirus update.

Focus Live: 15 new coronavirus cases, 770 have recovered, no additional deaths
Dr Ashley Bloomfield says the 15 new cases are made up of six confirmed cases and nine probable cases. Twelve people are in hospital, three are in ICU and two are in a critical condition.

Focus Live: PM Jacinda Ardern explains alert level three
PM Jacinda Ardern explains what alert level three means for you, your family and your business.

Focus Live: PM and Ministers to take 20% pay cut
On April 15, PM Ardern announced all Government ministers and public sector chief executives will take a 20 per cent pay cut. Video / NZ Herald

Focus Live: PM Jacinda Ardern reveals $130m support package for tertiary students
The Government will spend more than $130 million on a student support package, which aims to assist financially embattled students dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Focus Live: NZ death toll reaches nine, 17 new cases today
There are four further deaths linked to Covid-19 and Director General Health Ashley Bloomfield says it is a "sobering reminder" of what's at stake in the fight against the pandemic.

Focus Live: Fifth New Zealander dies - 19 new coronavirus cases as downward trend continues
There are 19 new cases of Covid-19 in New Zealand. A fifth person has died, the third from a cluster of cases at a rest home in Christchurch.

Focus Live: 18 new coronavirus cases, 471 have recovered, no additional deaths
New Zealand has 18 new coronavirus cases today and a total of 1330 cases. 471 people have now recovered from the virus and there are no additional deaths.

St Matthew's Easter Sunday service
Easter Sunday service from St Matthew in the City. Video /

Focus Live: Two more coronavirus deaths, 29 new cases today
There have been two more deaths related to Covid-19 in New Zealand. Director of Public Health Dr Caroline McElnay reported 29 new cases today and said 422 people with Covid-19 have recovered.

Watch: Project Auckland
Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown is briefing business leaders today in one of his first major appearances since the devastating anniversary weekend flooding and February’s Cyclone Gabrielle. Video / NZ Herald

Focus Live: New Zealand has its second coronavirus-related death
New Zealand has recorded its second coronavirus-related death. The death was of a woman in her 90s, who died in Burwood Hospital in Christchurch.

Focus Live: 29 new Covid-19 cases, Government to decide on April 20 if NZ ready to return to level 3
There are 29 new cases of Covid-19 since yesterday and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says New Zealanders have saved lives by staying at home over the past fortnight.

Focus Live: 37,000 reports of lockdown breaches, 45 charged as police gear up for Easter
There have been a total of 37,000 reports of breaches, Police Commissioner Andrew Coster said. Eight police staff had been spat at - which potentially constituted a charge of infecting with disease, carries a maximum penalty of 14 years imprisonment.