Latest fromNZ Green Party
Green MP backs extra travel perk for children
Metiria Turei is backing a plan to expand MPs' travel perks which could open the way for MPs to claim for taking their children on holiday.
No open cast mining on conservation land - PM
There will be no open cast mining on Great Barrier Island or Coromandel, John Key assured Parliament today, while under attack over the Govt's mining plan.
Remove tobacco from shops, says academic
An Auckland academic says smoking rates in New Zealand would plummet if tobacco products could not be displayed at shops.
MP asks for protests against committee
A Labour MP is taking the unusual step of asking people to join a protest against a select committee he sits on.
<i>John Armstrong</i>: Key's growth package just tax cuts in disguise
Wait patiently for three months for the real oil in the Budget before passing judgment on the Government.
Govt to back greater penalties for animal cruelty
An MP's bill proposing an increase in maximum sentences for animal cruelty offences has earned Govt support.
Fitzsimons steps down as MP - effective immediately
Former Green Party co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons has announced she will be leaving Parliament today.