Rob Rattenbury: Every politician has their day
OPINION: Politicians come and go, they have their moments in the sun then usually fade.
OPINION: Politicians come and go, they have their moments in the sun then usually fade.
Luxon and Seymour will be integral in determining where New Zealand heads next.
Why neither the current Government nor the next Government are saying much on the war.
National will open Labour's closet, revealing the skeletons inside.
Be prepared for more of a shake-up in Parliament, new MPs say.
Meanwhile, Labour’s Camilla Belich has a nervous wait ahead.
It's been a week filled with election news.
Credit rating agency wary of National's plan for NZ's water infrastructure.
Bottom lines, priorities, and leverage - who holds the cards and how will they be played?
“We’re at the point where we need to make a decision and then get on with it."
Cool heads urge caution as Labour licks wounds after election thrashing.
Kinetic workers' wages to be lifted to average rate of $30/hour, backdated to April 1.
Andrew Little says Labour lost Auckland and the election followed.
OPINION: National's list has fallen victim to its unexpected success in the electorates.
“It’s not something we can afford to remain quiet on.”
Advance voting starts in just over three weeks and polling day is November 25.
How much parties, candidates and lobby groups shelled out to show up in your feeds.
OPINION: A focus on the positives after Labour's election loss in last HBT column.
OPINION: The economic news has been looking brighter in the past few weeks.
The NZ First leader is avoiding media ahead of the special vote count.
OPINION: Time for a Parliamentary Budget Office?
The new Government faces a big challenge in addressing the cost of living crisis.
Fatupaito says the banning of gang patches would take away a 'human right'.
Historic precedent suggests National and Act will need NZ First to govern.
National may need Act and NZ First's help to form a government.
Other ministers have come forward, condemning both sides of the conflict.
But the co-leaders are uncertain if they will be around for the full term.
Winston Peters remained silent as journalists plied him with questions upon his arrival.
The official election result will be declared on November 3.
More funds have been secured for Coromandel flood protection.