Live: Chris Hipkins claims National tax plan is a 'scam', as Seymour gets his wings
Hipkins is out of Covid isolation and back on the campaign trail.
Hipkins is out of Covid isolation and back on the campaign trail.
Keeping New Zealanders secure doesn't come cheap.
It came after National's Chris Bishop initially called the analysis 'gutter politics'.
Two polls in two days have put NZ First above 5 per cent and back in Parliament.
Plus: Accusations National's $250-a-fortnight tax relief policy a “scam”.
National would need NZ First to form a government in Talbot Mills poll.
Would you keep going to a shop where the advertised discount didn't apply to most people?
Tensions between the two main parties are flaring up again today.
A National social media campaign will use the former PM.
OPINION: Is Winston Peters’ metamorphosis more important than kids without shoes?
Christopher Luxon had the time of his life on a two day South Island campaign.
At Epsom and Tāmaki election debates centre-right MPs are arguing for lower house prices.
The race for the north is a complicated one.
It comes as National repeatedly states it does not want to work with NZ First.
It's a crowded field for those polling under the 5% threshold - and a passionate one.
An estimated 1.4 million Kiwis are yet to receive their easy vote cards.
Former refugee was the centre of court battles over claims he was a terrorist.
Debates in Northland have been called 'feral', 'misogynist' and 'racist'.
Approaches to co-governance and Te Tiriti o Waitangi emerge as key differences.
Plus, the debate over a debate continues!
OPINION: Labour's dig over debate re-scheduling just made its leader look weak.
Luxon claims Hipkins is spreading misinformation.
Sanctions and benefit increases key difference between Labour, National.
OPINION: The best way to help the rural sector is to green the rural economy, fast.
OPINION: Our editorial on early voting as the official voting period begins.
Plus: What Chris Hipkins' Covid result could mean for Labour.
As advance voting gets under way, the signs point to a significant drop in participation.
National has not budgeted for three waters funding in its plan.
Carmel Sepuloni is likely to be the public face of Labour while Hipkins is ill.
Labour pledges to directly support more supermarket companies wanting to set up here.