Day 12: Will lockdown be extended?
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gives the latest on the Covid-19 lockdown.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gives the latest on the Covid-19 lockdown.
Kiwis in hotels during the Covid-19 lockdown have shown what they're being fed.
'I would have thought they wouldn't want to be so quick to lose them': PM.
"Nobody is going to come out the other side without needing some support."
The new cases are made up of 48 confirmed cases and 41 probable cases.
Ministry's contact-tracing has been under scrutiny with experts saying more is needed.
Director-General of Health says Covid-19 cases 'may well' be peaking.
Kiwi family evacuated from Wuhan says Kiwi Covid19 lockdown should be tougher
Shamus Moffatt and Connie Wan have had no clear answer on what will happen to them.
Unemployment is expected to jump significantly – as is the number of benefit seekers.
Catch up on the big coronavirus stories of the day - in New Zealand and overseas.
Cases have levelled off in an early sign the lockdown appears to be working.
Clark drove to a bike track during lockdown and 'got it wrong', Finance Minister says
The primary care sector says it is sinking, as there is no cash-flow during lockdown.
The new cases bring the total number of Covid-19 cases in NZ to 868.
Trevor Mallard insists he is following the Government's advice.
COMMENT: Social media is a great way to say exactly what you want to say, with no filters.
The departure plan of overseas citizens trapped in NZ could benefit 100,000 foreigners.
A new scheme gives some certainty to essential workers susceptible to Covid-19.
PM unveils leave scheme for essential workers, launches Covid-19 WhatsApp group.
Just what is the police Eagle helicopter doing to help cops during the pandemic patrols?
Mike Bush hanging up hat after 42 years but stays in Covid-19 response team.
The Director-General of Health and the Police Commissioner are providing a Covid-19 update
He has appeared before the Epidemic Response Committee.
National says the given security concerns, Ministers should not be using Zoom at Cabinet.
About 3600 people came to NZ from overseas in the last week and went home to self-isolate.
PM Ardern is set to address the plight of overseas visitors stranded in New Zealand.
Five Eyes alliance has been helpful in understanding coronavirus, says Mike Pompeo.
PM warns younger people relaxed about lockdown: "They are our vector for transmission.'
The Finance Minister says the Govt will have more details on business rent relief soon.