Winston Peters slams Labour for 'abandoning the regions'
The NZ First leader is furious that Labour plans to ditch the PGF, if re-elected.
The NZ First leader is furious that Labour plans to ditch the PGF, if re-elected.
Grant Robertson says National's plans are actually about stimulating their poll numbers
But National has walked back its previous promise to get government debt down.
Seven new cases of the virus were announced, bringing the number of active cases to 77.
COMMENT: With a month to until polling day, 2020 election defies conventional analysis.
NZ has entered a 'deep' recession – but Collins says National has a plan.
NZ First leader wants to see cigarettes taxes decrease and more funding for prevention.
The man is believed to have slipped through a fenced area; security has been bolstered.
Figures from Stats NZ show the country is officially in a recession.
Newstalk ZB's Heather du Plessis-Allan is hosting a cannabis referendum debate.
COMMENT: The books are terrifying, on paper.
Winston Peters describes the numbers as a 'wake-up call for New Zealanders'.
Unemployment estimates have been significantly revised downwards.
Shinzo Abe was among the first foreign leaders Jacinda Ardern met in November 2017.
COMMENT: The decision isn't as cautious as normal and may come back to bite.
Peters also again took aim at Labour, calling them the 'other side' in a speech.
Treasury will tomorrow open its books, giving NZ a look at the state of Govt coffers.
The extra $30m is on top of the $100m a year for Kiwi kids' oral health.
Political and marketing experts say the ads are boring and have similar messaging.
The Govt will review the rules again next week, Winston Peters hits out.
Jacinda Ardern will announce Cabinet's decision on alert levels at 1pm today.
It's been four months since Covid-19 was in most areas outside Auckland.
COMMENT: Labour's new tax policy shows they do what is popular, not what's right.
Jet Park case under inquiry to see if infection came from community or within the facility
After reporting Covid's 6-month anniversary Simon Wilson wonders where we'll be in a year.
There was one new case yesterday, two days before Cabinet's decision about alert levels.
Is election result really the foregone conclusion that the polls are suggesting?
An evangelical church that never sought the spotlight now has the nation's attention.
PM has distanced the Government - calling the outcome a result of "Sanzaar politics".
Labour launches TV ad featuring leader Jacinda Ardern - and a lot of red.