Lockdown fears: 15% of small businesses could cut jobs
Businesses fear impact of even short lockdowns, but small majority support as last resort.
Businesses fear impact of even short lockdowns, but small majority support as last resort.
But the sharemarket overall remained resilient to the latest Covid developments.
Ari NZ expecting a short term financial hit until such time as the bubble reopens
Man said his daughter tried to book flights, but claims they were all gone in minutes.
"The script was far from final, and never intended to be shared...at such an early stage."
Kiwis in Australia will be able to get home on managed return flights over the next week.
"At a time when we're meant to be scaling up, things are going to be go more slowly."
Phil Twyford said the Government has 'listened' to advocacy groups.
Model of efficiency? From scraping the barrel to 500,000 doses of vaccine in reserve.
OPINION: In a confusing twist, Air NZ claimed a priority-based system never existed.
Council revealed its spend on the event was $92m higher than has yet been made public.
Experts say it's a big deal for NZ to accuse our biggest trading partner of cyber attacks.
Studies are split on the effectiveness of schemes similar to what Act is proposing.
The initial 1000 spaces run to July 27.
Goulter one voice among many on the board but no doubt Govt expects it to be heard.
RMA reform will save costs, but shift much of the burden from private to public sector.
National wants the Auditor-General to look into some controversial spending decisions.
Chris Finlayson says the role of the Waitangi Tribunal should change.
OPINION: Most economists agree a healthy economy requires a healthy population.
Trades lobby to have apprenticeship employer incentives extended.
There will be consequences for hate speech, writes Leigh-Marama McLachlan.
"They should do away with the universal policy and target it to those in genuine need."
The PM's reforms make it clear she wants to leave a legacy - but how much is too much?
Now it is up to union members to decide whether to accept.
OPINION: You can bet President Joe Biden loved Jacinda Ardern's speech.
Larry the Cat at Number 10 Downing St had a visitor from NZ.
Traffic was 'very heavy' at 2pm on the southern motorway in Auckland.
This week, crew members on two Spanish-flagged vessels have tested positive for Covid.
Ardern and Biden spoke about Covid, the Indo-Pacific and Chch Call before Apec meeting.
Costs were incurred bringing houses up to the healthy homes standards.