Camp freedom? Protest camp swells as organisers start to set own rules
Organisers have requested media sign up for "site visits".
Organisers have requested media sign up for "site visits".
Reporters have been abused and threatened at the anti-mandate protests.
Experts say the country is on track to seeing 10,000 cases a day by mid-March.
It is one of a number of protests in Christchurch today.
About 26 tents are now pitched in Cranmer Square.
The group distributed unaddressed flyer advertisements about Covid to homes across NZ.
This comes after a statement was issued on behalf of all political parties' leaders.
OPINION: Parliament's occupation is inevitable, as is its ending.
One person simply asked if it was a 'joke' while another said 'read the room'.
Ardern, Bloomfield on Phase 2 of the Omicron outbreak and protesters.
On Friday night, the sprinklers were turned on in an effort to clear the protesters.
A move to phase 2 is near as daily case numbers rise just shy about 1000.
Phase 2 will mean shorter isolation periods and more rapid antigen testing.
OPINION: There's a term for lost opportunities and the Government needs to hear it.
EDITORIAL: The debate around rapid antigen tests is occurring amid failures in Melbourne.
The warning comes from a Reserve Bank briefing to Finance Minister Grant Robertson.
EDITORIAL: The demonstration against vaccine mandates has attracted a mix of messages.
Rapid antigen test companies have emailed clients saying the Govt is taking their stock.
Police "exercising their powers fairly and professionally, relevant to the circumstances".
About 27 protesters will come through the Wellington courts after a night behind bars.
There were 306 new community cases of Covid-19 in New Zealand today.
Critical workers who are close contacts won't have to isolate.
Phase Two of the Government's free period product initiative will begin soon.
There was no slam dunk, but ignoring Covid meant National's best Question Time in a while.
In order to protect the vulnerable this winter, more people can get the free flu vaccine.
The Green Party wants an inquiry into the Government's Covid economic response.
Almost 40 per cent of people think National's new leader is performing well.
The Government has backtracked on a claim RATs taken from business weren't in NZ.
It comes as political leaders reflect on Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the Treaty of Waitangi.
Independent Tertiary Education NZ fears the changes could lower education quality.