Latest fromNZ Exports
Manufacturing sales off nine-year low
Manufacturing sales volumes rose 3.1 per cent in the December quarter, led by meat and dairy and other food-related industries.
It's a Kiwi savalanche... and the Aussies love it
Sauvignon blanc has conquered the Australian market and almost single-handedly delivered a boom to New Zealand.
Surprise January trade surplus recorded
There's been a suprise trade surplus of $269 million in January- the biggest for the month since 1989.
Asia becomes more important for Kiwi trade, says new survey
A new survey has shown an increase in the number of people who think free trade agreements will impact positively from 74 per cent in 2008 to 78 per cent.
India free trade deal could mean big things for NZ agriculture
A free trade deal with the highly protected Indian economy could mean big things for New Zealand agriculture exporters.
<i>Yoke Har Lee:</i> Syrup-makers take a shot at big time
After taking on imported products, entrepreneurs are now keen to export.
Exports down for fourth quarter in a row
Exports have fallen for the fourth quarter in a row, but the trends are easing.
<i>Brian Fallow: </i> Alan Bollard's photocopy OCR
Brian Fallow: This morning's interest rate decision for the Reserve Bank is almost a photocopy of the last one on December 10.