Latest fromNZ Exports

Canberra to appeal NZ apple ruling
The Australian Government will appeal a WTO ruling that Australia is breaching international laws in restricting NZ apple exports.

NZ wins 90-year Australia apple war
A World Trade Organisation decision issued in Geneva early this morning ruled against Canberra's efforts to block imports of Kiwi apples in what Tim Groser says is 'a stunning victory' for NZ.

Russian wheat crisis may aid NZ farmers
Russia last week banned grain exports for the rest of the year after a severe drought and wildfires destroyed 20 per cent of its wheat crop.

Indian activists threaten to burn ship carrying NZ milk
Protests in India against imports of New Zealand dairy products have turned ugly.

Record June trade surplus on higher dairy, forestry exports
New Zealand recorded a trade surplus of $276 million for the month of June, equivalent to 7.3 per cent of exports.

NZ dollar tumbles despite interest rates hike
The NZ dollar has tumbled this morning, after Reserve Bank governor Alan Bollard signalled that future interest rate rises will be more modest than earlier indicated.

<i>Tim Mackle:</i> Sustainability key to our growth
Dr Tim Mackle, chief executive of DairyNZ, warns of the challenges ahead for New Zealand dairying.

<i>Gill South</i>: To see ourselves as others see us - it isn't always a pretty sight
Criticism of NZ business can be hard to take...

<i>Fran O'Sullivan</i>: NZ behind eight ball on China's pool table
New Zealand may find itself economic toast if it doesn't get a comprehensive China strategy together - and fast.

Made in NZ (yes, still)
Global recession hit hard, but it hasn't killed off New Zealand manufacturing. Suzanne McFadden went looking for signs of life.

Kiwifruit sprouting in 'Garden of England'
A New Zealand fruit distributor is behind efforts to secretly grow kiwifruit in southern England.

Upbeat manufacturers defy gloomy talk
Manufacturers had a surprisingly strong May, with employment growing for the first time since November 2008 and a solid lift in export and local sales, says a new survey.