Fed Farmers: Better food safety needed
Federated Farmers says a report on Fonterra's botulism scare has highlighted the need for a stronger food safety regime.
Federated Farmers says a report on Fonterra's botulism scare has highlighted the need for a stronger food safety regime.
We must first conquer our island syndrome and pull together if we are ever to win the world from the edge, writes Kevin Roberts.
International dairy product prices are pushing sharply higher, driven by strong demand from China.
World prices for a basket of New Zealand's export commodities eased last month but a softer exchange rate more than compensated for the decline.
Surging dairy prices have pushed the terms of trade to a 40-year high.
Higher dairy export prices have driven New Zealand's terms of trade to their highest point since 1973, Statistics NZ says.
The loosening of China's one-child policy is expected to provide a boost for New Zealand infant formula exporters.
New Zealand and Australian employees of infant formula manufacturer Nutricia could be the latest victims of Fonterra's botulism botch-up.
Meat and green-lipped mussels had PM John Key back in more comfortable territory on a trade trip in Bangkok, after days of scrutiny of his reaction to Sri Lanka's human rights.
Prices of dairy products fell in the second straight GlobalDairyTrade auction overnight.
Push for higher volumes compromising our greatest export, write Gareth Morgan and Geoff Simmons. "The future of NZ's dairy industry should lie in quality, not quantity."