PM to urge Saudis on trade
John Key will arrive in Saudi Arabia today with the hope of getting high-level commitment from the new King to a free trade agreement with the Gulf states.
John Key will arrive in Saudi Arabia today with the hope of getting high-level commitment from the new King to a free trade agreement with the Gulf states.
Bluelab Corporation will use a new research and development growth grant to speed up taking a new sensory product to market in the next year.
International dairy prices fell for the third time in a row at this morning’s GlobalDairyTrade auction.
America's appetite for hamburgers has helped to drive beef returns to record highs in the first six months of the export season, says Beef and Lamb New Zealand.
The kiwi nearing parity with the Australian dollar is causing concern for New Zealand tourism operators, but nobody's pressing the panic button yet.
Units in the Fonterra Shareholders' Fund fell to their lowest point since listing on the NZX in 2012 on the back of growing farmer and investor unrest.
Dairy product prices declined in the latest GlobalDairyTrade auction, led by a slump in prices for butter milk powder and whole milk powder.
Our efforts to minimise our impact aren't enough for some. Now there must be no expansion and there are calls to move the port, somewhere, anywhere, writes Tony Gibson.
The dairy industry can weather the prospect of increased production from the EU once quotas are lifted on April 1, says the chief executive of the farmer-funded DairyNZ.
Economists expect Fonterra to stick with its $4.70 per kg farm gate milk price forecast for 2014/15 when it reports its first-half result tomorrow.
Export log prices dropped for the first time in eight months as shipments to China, the nation's largest market, exceeded demand.
Ports of Auckland is planning an offensive this week to sell its expansion plans to Aucklanders, using the carrot of releasing Captain Cook Wharf for public use.
The majority of Auckland councillors now want a rethink on the controversial proposed expansion of the port.
The protest was sparked by port company plans to begin building two massive extensions and Auckland Council voting to ease rules for further reclamation.
Trade Minister Tim Groser will today seal a free trade deal with South Korea that will essentially steer NZ towards a level playing field with its competitors.
Prominent business leaders, sailors, architects, musicians have signed an open letter demanding that Ports of Auckland 'stop stealing our harbour'.
Population growth, boosted by a record net migration gain, explains about half of the strong economic growth recorded last year.
NZ and the US have escalated a complaint against Indonesia to the World Trade Organisation on import restrictions.
New Zealand's external accounts sank deeper into the red during the last three months of 2014.
International dairy prices fell by 8.8 per cent at this morning's GlobalDairyTrade auction - the first sale to be held since the 1080 infant formula scare.
Fallout from this week's baby formula contamination threat weighed heavily on the New Zealand dollar yesterday, with news of curtailed orders from China driving the currency lower still.
The Government was right to say nothing until discreet inquiries had failed and there is a chance a public appeal might help police catch him. The interval appears to have permitted the industry to be well prepared.
Dairy exports may already be stuck on Chinese wharves as a result of a new import requirement that products be tested for 1080 contamination, says an industry group.
Solid Energy says it is solvent, but only just, and will need a new deal from its bankers to survive.