'It's ridiculous': Shortage of 'quality' P due to Covid-19
It's impossible to obtain ... if it does pop up, you're paying high prices for your fix.
It's impossible to obtain ... if it does pop up, you're paying high prices for your fix.
COMMENT: Allowing drug tests at concerts is the mentality of complete surrender.
COMMENT: Legalising cannabis would help stop pathway to prison for Māori men.
The Government is reviewing drug laws but has kept this under the radar.
There's always hope if you've got good support from clean people, say recovering addicts.
Aggression and delays in learning problems for kids exposed to drug in early years.
For every 1000 people in Hastings and Napier, 990mg of meth is consumed every day.
The fallout from the $100 million meth-testing debacle continues.
UN report on seizures proves tackling 'resilient' demand key to progress, says advocate.
The man couldn't pass the drugs and went to hospital to remove them from his body.
A NZ Drug Foundation study recommends drug use be treated the same as other health issues.
Government seeks advice on whether drug checks at music festivals could be legalised.
Reimbursement not enough for evicted HNZ tenants, says Drug Foundation
Drug Foundation says 51 per cent of prisoners were expelled from school as children.
Comment: When it comes to solutions, I hope it's not just wishful thinking.
Symptoms included fast heart rates, hallucinations, agitation and sweating.
The move would take away power from criminals who make huge amounts of money.
Substance abuse in adulthood has been connected to frequent teen drinking.
COMMENT: Public health and safety should be starting point for debate on drug law reform.
COMMNET: Treating cannabis as a health problem is a recipe for political regret.
Drug-testing group calls for law change to allow it to operate legally.
Details of how products will be prescribed are yet to be confirmed.
The polling is by Curia Market Research, owned by National's pollster David Farrar.
Peter Dunne wants the Chief Coroner to release information on a "killer drug"
Govt will leave the response to seven drug deaths to police, PM Bill English says.
Associate Health Minister challenged on the focus on abuse of illegal drugs.
Teachers are being kicked, punched and stabbed by children of P-addicted mothers.
Prime Minister John Key has today announced an extra $15 million seized from criminals will be invested in anti-drug initiatives.
Pro-cannabis campaigners this afternoon gathered outside police stations around the country to call for a moratorium on the arrest and prosecution of users.
COMMENT: We must replace the criminal justice approach with health interventions, just as they did 15 years ago in Portugal, writes Dr Lance O'Sullivan and Tuari Potiki.