Courtroom overhaul: A fair go for rape complainants or a pathway to miscarriages of justice?
Supporters say proposals are much needed but opponents say they would jail the innocent.
Supporters say proposals are much needed but opponents say they would jail the innocent.
None of the 13 lawyers called answered.
Lawyer accuses husband of 'dragging the chain' over a $700,000 payment.
Glenn Schaeffer was ordered to fork out US$2.3 million ($3.3m) to two US executives.
Drug dealer's sentence stands despite Court of Appeal guideline shift.
Steven Robertson used stolen millions to fund a luxury, jet-setting lifestyle.
Final ruling totals $13.8m in seized assets nearly 10 years after first arrest.
Stephen Henare used the Trust money to fund his gambling and expensive luxuries.
Judge: Killing "callous and brutal murder of defenceless and highly vulnerable infant".
Offender could "explode" if he didn't get what he wanted, prosecutor says.
The pair had sought name suppression, citing death threats and safety risks.
'Jailhouse lawyer' Arthur Taylor says lack of support a national problem.
The judges said Uriah Wirihana had showed rehabilitation since his sentencing.
The Court of Appeal dismissed the legal challenge and condemned the businessman.
The woman's case will return to the District Court where she will be resentenced.
Work and Income killer Russell Tully is refusing food behind bars.
The lawfulness of the lockdown should be tested at a judicial review, CoA president says.
The young man's suppression was due to lapse today unless another appeal was filed.
Woman was convicted after 13-year-long campaign of intimidation and abuse.
The Courts have also ramped up their technology to allow for remote hearings.
Offender reached a plea deal with prosecutors; gets interim suppression pending appeal.
Stringer sought damages amounting to a total of over $3.5 million.
Mothers who flee domestic violence in other countries are set to have greater rights.
Court of Appeal orders a re-trial for Northlander who allegedly wounded his neighbour.
Appeal Court decision adds hurdles to future applications to mine the seabed.
Some firearms owners claimed a "constitutional right" to access semi-automatic weapons.
Chief Justice: "For the rest of this week courts will operate only in the priority areas."
A halt to proceedings in several courts has been announced by the country's Chief Justice.
Ephraim Beazley killed his ex-wife as she held their young son.
One of the women involved in the attack will serve a shorter prison sentence.