Tenants will now have to pay up for rental damage
Landlords will soon be able to claim up to four weeks' rent if tenants damage their homes.
Landlords will soon be able to claim up to four weeks' rent if tenants damage their homes.
The DIA found more than 1500 transactions - totalling $105.4m - failed to meet the law.
Despite Fraser Milne's racist diatribe the judge did not consider his attack a hate crime.
Helen Milner was found guilty of poisoning Phil Nisbet with crushed sedatives in his food.
The court said Dylan Nuku's mental impairment and remorse was considered in sentencing
Two Palmerston North agents for Colliers win partial victory
The meditation retreat took its fight against the facility to the Supreme Court.
Former BNZ banker has had his sentencing conditions eased after forfeiting $850,000.
"Obsessed" man will appeal conviction after jury took just 40 minutes to find him guilty.
Court of appeal decided trial fair, but jail sentence excessive.
Appeal fail for West Auckland man jailed for sexual assault on his drunk mate.
Communications intercepted by police linked the sportsman to the conspiracy.
It looks like the script of a Hollywood heist. Drug investigators caught it all on camera.
'One-way trip': Bradley Lomax was executed near a Canterbury river in 2017
David Scott says he can't afford to appeal the case any further.
Brownie Harding says he was pressured by judge and lawyers to plead guilty.
Bias allegation: Supreme Court orders independent inquiry into a rape jury foreperson.
The Thai woman was held hostage in several places around Auckland for 22 hours.
Can New Zealand extradite someone for something that is not a crime in this country?
A prominent sportsman was linked to an international drug conspiracy.
Murder came just three days after the killer was released from a mental health clinic.
The fake Waikato Hospital psychiatrist was also detained by US Homeland Security.
A 62-year-old man says court staff are behaving like "childish bullies".
The incident took place on May 25, 2015, at St Lukes shopping mall in Auckland.
Cambo Jack used the Head Hunters' 'ghost unit' to keep his hostage for 22 hours.
Paul Webb rose to prominence in 2006 as a dragon on the entrepreneurial reality TV show.
The judges described Dermot Nottingham's requests as a "fishing expedition".
The independent commissioners assessing the resource consent have been revealed.
Specialist "cells" of transnational organised crime syndicates have entered New Zealand.
Police have spent at least $840,000 defending claims made by one of its former workers.