Latest fromNutrition

Gill South: What a gas
Tummy troubles? A new yoghurt may be the answer. Gill South finds out more from the Fonterra Research Centre.

Thyme to let nature help
Herbalists offer some advice on the natural ways you can combat illness.

An apple a day to keep depression away
Eating loads of fruit and vegetables might not sound appealing to many teenagers but it could help protect them from mental health problems.

Cooking? It's so last season
The latest trend in London - and California - is raw food. Journalist Samuel Muston gives it a go.

Auckland Marathon: In the running (+fuel for the road recipes)
As Bevan Hurley steps up his training he recalls how a friend’s running challenge two years ago changed his life.

Peter Bromhead: Ominous rumblings from the thunderbox
When the caregiver placed a tub of yoghurt next to my cornflakes, I responded guardedly: "What's all this then?"

A lot to lose from booze
Alcohol contains calories so it pays to limit intake if you want to lose weight, writes Susan Edmunds.

New Zealand's obesity rate surges
New Zealand's obesity rate surged ahead in the 12 years to 2009, a major nutrition report released today by the Ministry of Health shows.

Beefy Brits slim down on Kiwi kai
Two previously beefy Brits who converted to New Zealand's "atmosphere of fitness" have spoken out against two fellow immigrants who said their new home made them fat.

Slower eating pace keeps kilos off - study
Eating more slowly could be the answer to beating the battle of the bulge, according to a new survey.

Gill South: Too much of a good thing
Gill South doses up on the vitamin C and though she is feeling the benefits, the jury is out on its effects.

First-time salt and blood pressure link for Australians
Links between high blood pressure and salt intake have been made for the first time in Australians.

Our hungry kids: Whanau helps put kai on table
Sharing food across the wider whanau is the only way Papakura's Peawini family keeps food on the table.

Our hungry kids: 130 sponsors sign up to feed children
More than 100 Herald readers have signed up to pay $15 a month to sponsor hungry children in response to this week's campaign on the issue.

Our hungry kids: Food at bottom of list for some
Poorer families are cutting out meat and vegetables to keep up repayments to finance companies, budgeters say.

Fast food turns Golden Mile into Queen sized St
Queen St is turning into a strip of fast-food outlets, despite the best efforts of city planners.

Advice to drink more water dismissed
The idea that we are short of water comes from a guideline in 1945 that adults should drink 2.5 litres every day.